The Bump.

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Summary: I refuse to end Room Mates with Lydia getting pregnant, because that's hella cliché and I don't fly that way. But a lot of you have requested something like this, so here. Post RM Stydia fluff ft. Pregnant Lyds.


Their house was a lot like the one he had grown up in. Small, with a cozy lounge room and a pastel bathroom, and an entire wall dedicated to bookshelves. There were four, and they housed everything from their childhood favorites to Lydia's 'light reading' books, which were heavier than she was. Or at least, that was what he told her.

It was nothing like the apartment they had lived in when they had first fallen in love. There was no Lydia's Bedroom or Stiles' Bedroom. There was only 'Ours'. And he wouldn't have changed it for the world.

Of course, there was Thea's bedroom, with its mint green walls and a miniature library of its own. She took after Lydia, in that respect.

When Lydia had first found out that she was pregnant, she had kept it to herself for a whole week, terrified to tell him for fear that he wouldn't want it. She had been angry and emotional that entire week, and it had ended with him finding her sobbing on the kitchen floor, holding her stomach.

She had cried for a while, and he had just held her, knowing that she wouldn't talk to him until she had stopped. He had once told her that she looked beautiful when she cried, and she had never believed him.

She had been still and quiet for a while when those two harmless little words slipped out, and they fell from her lips and hit the floor like grenades. They blew up, and their meaning hit him in thousands of tiny, searing pieces. A million miles away, Lydia started crying again.

And he had kissed her, catching her mid-sob and finding that he didn't love kissing Lydia quite as much when she tasted of tears. They had stayed curled up on the kitchen floor for hours, exchanging kisses and quiet murmurs of reassurance that everything would be OK.

The pregnancy was terrifying. Lydia knew the exact names of the chemicals that were causing her mental state to go crazy, but that didn't help when she got irrationally emotional, hungry, or frustrated.

There had been times where he had been forced to remind her that she was, in fact, extremely pregnant. Especially on the nights he wore black shirts to bed. After a while, he learned to avoid them.

There was the grabbiness, and there were the cravings. They had known that there would be cravings, of course, but nothing could have prepared him for how adorable she looked when she started wanting something in particular.

It started with fidgeting, then she would climb onto his lap, pouting and batting her eyelashes. It worked out surprisingly well, especially since she had stopped getting cravings by her third trimester, when she had gotten really big, and constantly complained about looking "like a balloon".

Lydia didn't crave flavors, or textures. Lydia Stilinski had a strange desire for different colors. Visual cravings. She had looked it up; apparently, it was uncommon, but not unheard of. So he would buy her red, some days. Strawberries, raspberry Popsicles, boysenberry icecream. Red was for sweet days.

Yellow was bananas, and Pringles, and Doritos. Yellow was for texture and salt. Green was celery. Just celery. He thought it might have been hydration based, so he tried to get her to drink more water, before she insisted that she just liked the taste. Blue was the worst. Gatorade, and blueberries, and lollipops.

They spent hours sorting bags of M&Ms into their different colors.

When Thea was born, she had eyes like the midnight sky, shining and dark with the slightest tinge of blue.

Lydia's mother had called it first - that Thea's eyes would turn green. She said that Lydia had been born with the exact same color. but where Lydia had supposedly started with a tuft of white-blonde fluff on top of her head and near-transparent eyelashes, Thea had hair a few shades darker than Stiles, and his same spindly, chocolate eyelashes.

"We made a person," he had kept saying in amazement, gazing down at his daughter in awe. "We made a person."

Lydia told him that he was an idiot, which, for Lydia, was synonymous with "I love you."

He kissed the top of her head, and murmured into her hair, "Love you too, Lyds."


1. *thrusts this oneshot in your general direction* HERE.

2. Idk I wanted to publish things I've had incomplete for a while. (Which is why this one is a bit stunted every once in a while.) Happy Zali.

3. Yeah it's like 3a.m. and I should probably get some sleep. But can I just brag: I'm topping my English class in our creative writing unit. HA! Fanfics, bitch.

Xx -Zali.

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