At First Sight.

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For @alye_18 BC she's my babe and I love her. Also she suggested this, so.


Summary: Third grade was fun. It was even better after meeting the pretty new girl with the mermaid on her shirt.


Her name was Lydia. At the start of the day, their teacher had been about to introduce her when she had stepped forward and introduced herself, her voice high and sweet - like a fairy, he had thought.

That was all it took for him to become interested in this girl, the girl with hair that shone bright like a soft, red candle flame. She was brave. What kind of third grader deliberately made sure that people knew who she was, not just her name?

She was clever. She had finished the work sheet that their teacher had handed out within two minutes. It took him three. It took the rest of the class twenty. She was clever. Smarter than him, and he wasn't sure if he liked or hated that.

She was drawing on the back of the sheet, a look of intense concentration on her pretty face. She was pretty, with fine, doll-like features that reminded him of the stories his mother told him, of princesses and mermaids.

She had a mermaid on her shirt. Ariel from the movie The Little Mermaid. He had seen that movie more times than he could count. His mother loved it. He thought it was silly. Why did Ariel fall in love with Eric? She had never even talked to him.

He suddenly understood why.

He scowled as their teacher handed out a different work sheet. He hated them. They were easy. They were boring. Across the room, he caught the slight look of irritation that passed over Lydia's face as the sheet was placed in front of her. He felt himself warm to this girl. Maybe he had found what his mother would call a 'kindred spirit'.

The soft buzz that reminded him of being in a bee hive fell away as the class started working again. The room was silent, and he was flying through the problems when his teacher tapped him on the shoulder.

"Why don't you go and work with Lydia, sweetheart?" she suggested kindly. "It might be good for you to have someone who can keep up with you."

He felt his heart stutter. His skin felt all prickly and hot and strange. Still, he nodded mutely and picked up his sheet and pencil, moving across the room to her.

She looked up, huge green eyes wide and watchful. She reminded him of a deer, or some other gentle wild thing. Something in the way she held herself or the way she took in the scene around her made him think that she was ready to run away at the slightest sudden movement. He tried not to spook her.

"I'm Stiles," he said quietly, determined to not look away from her eyes - the eyes that seemed to be burning holes in him. "Um... I'm supposed to work with you."

She frowned delicately at him.

"Why?" she asked, not meanly, but with no inflection in her voice at all.

Stiles blanched, fiddling with his fingers awkwardly as a hot blush came to his cheeks.

"Um. I don't really know... I was just told to work with you. Because we're both... fast." He shrugged apologetically, trying to read her face. Impassive, he thought. It was a word he had read somewhere the week before, and it popped into his head again when he looked at her.

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