Chapter 2

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Kita rubbed atsumu's back softly.

"Kita-san.. I.. I'm sorry.--"

"Shhh.. it's okay atsumu. It's not just your fault okay? I think you are not wrong using that attack. " Kita shushed him. Atsumu break the hug and look at Kita.

"But kita-san. It's your last year. Plus your the captain. I.. I didn't get to win the game for you and the other 3rd year. It's still a first game but.." atsumu hiccups on the middle of his sentence. Kita look at him and smile.

"It's okay atsumu. We did our best and I don't have any regrets on it. Stop blaming yourself about it and move on okay? It's done. All you have to do now is to work hard. You said you still gonna crush them in the inter-high right? " Kita said and smile. Atsumu look up to him with a frown.

"You heard that kita-san?" Atsumu asked. Kita chuckled. Atsumu's eyes sparkles. It's not his first time to see Kita chuckled or laughing but it's really rare.

"Of course. Now. Now. Now. Stop being a baby now. I think your twin is worried for you. " Kita said. Atsumu look at him confused.

"Hah? How did you know? "

"He followed us here awhile ago but then left after a minute. You're also ignoring him right?" Kita said. Oh! Atsumu remember. Yeah, osamu tried to insult him Earlier but he's too guilty to notice that.

"It's not that I'm ignoring him kita-san. I don't know. I-- I just don't have much energy to deal with him." Atsumu said.

"Then rest for now. I'm pretty sure we are all tired. Let's go home and get some rest. " Kita said and patted his back. Atsumu nodded and they walk back to the room.


Morning came and nothing changed. Atsumu still didn't approach his brother like what he usually do. Every Morning he will pester his brother but now, osamu is still confused why is he still ignoring him. It's been more than an hour since their game ended. They got their enough rest. Why is he still not in his usual self? Is he so down about their lost for him to act like that? Osamu asked himself while cooking for their breakfast.

"Good morning Osamu. " Their mom greeted him as he walked down stairs.

"Good morning Mom. This will take a minute. " Osamu said. Their mom nodded and sit. The next one who enter the dinning area is their father. He just greeted them a morning before reading a news paper. The time osamu was done serving the food in the dinning table. Atsumu arrives. He greeted them a good morning with a bored tone not even looking at his brother. His mother look at atsumu.

"Are you okay darling? Why you look so down?" Their mother asked. Osamu was staring at atsumu while their father glance at atsumu.

"Nothing mom. I'm fine." He shortly answered and grabbed some food.

"What happened to your game yesterday? Sorry we didn't able to watch. " Their mother said.

"We lost. " Atsumu said briefly. Their mother gasp. Not expecting to that news. Their father look at atsumu again. Realizing why atsumu is so down. Their parents know that atsumu loves volleyball more than osamu. That's why they're not surprised to see osamu like it's just nothing to him. They know that osamu is also probably sad about the result but it didn't affect him that much unlike atsumu.

"I'm sorry to hear that son. I'm sure you will win that next time. " Their father tried to cheer atsumu up. Atsumu only nodded and eat his food. A minutes later their parents done on their breakfast and insisted to leave first for work. Atsumu and osamu left in the dinning table silently eating. Osamu wants to talk to his brother but his pride is eating him up. Atsumu ignore him yesterday and now. He can't just approach him like nothing happened. He needs atsumu to be the one to make a first move. Atsumu got done in his food. When atsumu lean to his chair he thought. Finally! He will going to talk to him but in his dissapointment. Atsumu get his plate and put at the sink before washing it. After that he walks back to the living room getting his bag.

"I'm leaving." Atsumu said not looking back at his brother as he walk to the door and left. Osamu's heart clenches. Tears starting to fall from his eyes. He can't understand. He's not used to atsumu's silent treatment. He can't understand if he did something wrong for him to ignore him that long. Tears stared falling from his eyes. His appetite gone. He silently grabbed their plates and put at the sink sobbing quietly. He's hurt because his brother can bear ignoring him for so long. He bite his lower lips to stop himself from crying loudly. He washed the dishes sobbing. He stayed in their house for a minute trying to ease the flushed in his face because of the tears.

Osamu got in their school. He walked to the locker room first to change before heading to the gym.

"Ohayo osamu!" His teammates greeted.

"Ohayo. " He greeted back before roaming his eyes around searching for the blonde hair but he doesn't found him. He started stretching when Suna decided to approach him.

"Where's your shitty twin?" Suna asked. Osamu glared at him.

"I don't know. He said he's going here first. "

"Well, he's not here. Wait. Did you cry?" Suna asked as he noticed his face. His voice echo the gym (wait the must be exaggerating hahaha) it's not that loud and also it's not that low for the others to can't hear it but as soon as suna asked that the gym goes silent because atsumu arrives. That's why suna's voice becomes Loud.

Oh. Shit. Osamu thinks as he saw his members look at him then he's gaze dropped to atsumu that just arrived looking at him. He immediately averted his gaze.


Whooooaaa!! I need some updates from windmill windmill, always, the crash and the other fantastic stories for atsuosa in AO3. 😭 dude! The other stories is like an abandon already but fuckk! Their stories is so good. I need more updates from them. They need to finish it. SERIOUSLY!!

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