Chapter 4

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Continuation to Atsumu's Part of View

Atsumu woke up. He glance at his brothers bed and as expected. He's up already. He's not in his bed anymore. He got up so drain. He's rest was short. It took him so long last night to sleep again. He feels so tired. He did his routine and get ready for school before going to their Dinning area. He saw his parents and osamu. He just greeted them and sit. He felt osamu's eyes on him but he's too tired to deal with it.

His parents said something kind words when they heard that they lost but he doesn't care about that much now. He just needed his rest. He can rest for today but he still needs to practice that's why he needs to force himself. Their parents left first, but he really didn't pay that much attention to osamu since he still didn't know what he must say. He's still not in his right mind. Maybe he'll just talk to him when he gets his rest. He leaned to his chair collecting some energy before getting his plate and wash them to the sink. He left first didn't wait for osamu since he needs to pass by at convinient store (I forgot the spelling of convinent store. Sorry HAHAHA ) to buy some medicine.

He stopped by to the nearest park and take a nap for a minute. His alarms ring. He checked the time and starts walking to the locker room and walking to the gym. As soon as he enters the gym goes Quiet and Suna's voice becomes Loud. He immediately look at osamu when Suna asked him if he cried. He saw osamu look at him then look away. Did he cried? Atsumu asked himself. He got worried about that. Kita then made them continue their practice. He starts stretching glancing at osamu Everytime he has a chance. He can't really see his face. He sighs.

"You're still ignoring him?" He was shocked when Kita suddenly popped out behind him. He looked at him and forced a smile.

"It's not like I'm ignoring him Kita-san. It's just that, I don't know how to approach him again. Plus, I don't feel like talking to everyone now. I feel so drained. Maybe later. " Atsumu said continue tossing the ball.

"Is that so? Should I leave you alone too?" Kita asked concerned. Atsumu stop and look at Kita. He smiled.

"It's okay kita-san. It's fine. One person wouldn't tires me." Atsumu said and Chuckled. Osamu's head snaps at their direction when he heard his brother chuckled. He saw atsumu Laughing with kita-san. His heart clenched. He put his hand on his chest while looking at them. Laughing.


Why? Why are you hurting? It's should be fine. Your brother is happy with the person he likes. Why!? Are you bitter because he did the first move to the person he likes before you? Do he likes kita-san? But.. do you have someone you like? Do I have someone I like?" He whispered to himself.

"Don't worry. He didn't like Kita-san. " He was startled by the voice Suna popped behind him.

"How did you even know that?" Osamu asked.

"I assure you.. he didn't like Kita-san. " It's like Suna's convincing his self with those words. Osamu rolled his eyes and continue on his practice. Suna was just staring at the two.

"Kita-san. " Atsumu called. Kita answered him with a hummed.

"They say that if you hug the person who feels drained. It's making them recharged. They're feeling recharged with it. " Atsumu joked. Kita look at him.

"Is that so? Come here. " Kita said.

"Hah? " Atsumu asked but obey anyway. He took a step forward to Kita.

"What is it Kita---" He was cut when Kita hugged him.

"What the fuck?" Suna muttered angrily. Osamu snaps his head to Suna's direction and follows Suna's eyes. His eyes fixated to Kita who's hugging atsumu.

"Yeah, what the fuck." Osamu whispered to himself. Suna suddenly walk towards atsumu and Kita. Osamu look at him confused. Suna tried his best to look normal. Like he's not burning in madness. As soon as he get there. He cleared his throat to get their attention which is it did. The two separate from the hug and look at Suna. Suna gives Atsumu a death glare that made atsumu flinched a little.

"Kita-san can I borrow atsumu for a minute?" He asked not breaking his gaze to atsumu. Atsumu looked at him confused.

"Ah yeah, go on.." Kita said. Suna walked far from the others with atsumu following him. Osamu was just watching them. What the hell is Suna's doing? Osamu asked himself. Kita continue what he's doing earlier.

"What is it?" Atsumu asked. Suna glared him badly.

"What? You've been glaring at me since earlier. What the fuck is your problem?" Atsumu snaps.

"Do you like Kita?" Suna finally talked. His voice comes out rough. Atsumu's forehead wrinkles before answering him.

"Yeah, of course. Who wouldn't like him tho? I mean, he's kind. He's just a little bit scary if we did something wrong but he's perfect. " Atsumu said smiling that made Suna's face darkened. Atsumu stops on his track and put his hands up as if he was getting arrested.

"Hey you sleepy foxy! Calm down man. What are you getting worked up there? " Atsumu said confused.

"Listen here you shitty fox. Don't. You. Ever. Get. Near. Kita-san. Again. " Suna threatened. Atsumu look at him in disbelief.

"What the fuck? That's impossible! Why are you--" atsumu stops when he realized something. He chuckled then turn into laughed that made their other members look at them. Osamu was confused on what's going on there. Suna glared at him again.

"Why the hell are you laughing?" Suna asked annoyed. Atsumu calm his self for a minute before looking at Suna preventing his self to laugh again.

"You like Kita-san, don't you Suna?" Atsumu asked chuckling. Suna froze not realizing what he did. Because of the jealousy.


Boooo!! I don't know anymore HAHAHA

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