Chapter Two

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A/N: So this author's note is just letting everyone know that this is a horror story so if you don't like gore then you should probably stop reading. :/ oh there will be a lot of flashbacks in the next few chapters!

Zayn's P.O.V

"Thank you for calling me up and coming back to the village boys, we're going to need you guys to help us get through this." Sebastian, the now older tribe leader said."I know it must be difficult to think that you are going to be reunited with the other three chosen ones after what happened." I looked over to Niall to see him breathing deeply.

"It'll be good to see them again and clear up everything," I intertwined my fingers with Niall's and gave him a small smile, trying to comfort him. The tribe leader looked to our hands, between us and back to our hands. 

"Oh I see... you two have eloped, have you?" I looked to Niall who frowned at the leader and shook his head vigorously. 

"Uh no we're not together, we're just friends... best friends who've been through a lot." I say firmly. Why would he think we're together? Weird. Sebastian nodded in understanding and the door to the room slammed shut. I felt Niall jump a little and grip onto my hand tighter. Standing there was Harry Styles, sheepishly muttering an apology and walking slowly over to us. He looked up with watery eyes and embraced Niall and I in a bone-crushing hug.

"I'm so sorry lads, if it wasn't for me the group would still be together. I'm sorry I messed up so badly!" Harry cried out apologies over and over. 


"How could you Harry! Your going to tear us apart for this!" Liam shouted loudly at Harry who was sobbing heavily in Zayn's shoulder, gripping his shirt like it was a life line."How could you be so stupid?" Liam tugged on his own hair in annoyance.

"He didn't know she was human, Liam. He thought she was one of us, that she was apart of the Tiger clan. How could he know if she was or wasn't? We're not supposed to use our powers in front of people!" Zayn yelled back, stroking Harry's back sympathetically.

"You boys do know what this means for us? Harry will get banished from the village when Sebastian finds out!" Liam sat in a chair and put his head in his hands,"Why did you have to do that Harry? Why did you have to go and mate with that human? And you know what, I've always wondered why your the one who got the gift of a 'Charming Personality' because your such a flirt and I knew it would only bring bad things!" Liam paced around the room, shooting glares at Harry who was now surrounded by Zayn, Louis and Niall, all trying to comfort him. Suddenly the door banged open and Sebastian and the other council members walked in, grabbing Harry and throwing him to the floor. He cried out in pain as he received a slap to his face, whimpering in fear as a booming voice filled the silence.

"How dare you disobey the rules! What were you thinking, you stupid little boy!" The other boys gasped as Harry was thrown over Sebastian's shoulder and carried to the border of the village. Niall, Zayn, Liam and Louis trudged behind them wallowing in pity for their companion. Sebastian set Harry down and spoke directly to him in our village's language;"You are banished from this village, you will no longer go on to fight Shadow Pico's and protect our land and you will not come back here unless asked to. Is that clear?" Harry nodded meekly and looked to the boys with pleading eyes, but they couldn't help him now. As Harry walked away from the village he could he the faint voices of his friends singing a traditional song of prayer to the ancestors...

La la puah lay mohr

La cuo moar cheephra 

Puah ley moar la quay moi


Zayn's P.O.V

Harry breathed deeply as I kissed the top of his head, whispering that it was all going to be okay. He turned around to face Sebastian and his face expression was hard and unforgiving, I felt Harry tense up as they both glared at each other.

"It's good to have you back, Harry," Sebastian said unsmiling. Harry nodded in response and started a conversation with Niall and I.

"So how have you guys been? I heard you two stuck together," Harry began. Soon the three of us were talking and joking around just like old times, it's quiet nice to think that after two years apart we can still get along like we used to, even when we are older now. Sebastian came back only to tell us that Liam and Louis would not be arriving for another two days so we had our old cabin all to the three of us for now.

"I am really sorry, you know that right?" Harry kept apologizing but we waved him off.

"All is forgiven, we all pretty much just want to be friends again I think!" I said cheerily as we entered the cabin. It was just as we left it, with the over stuffed arm chairs to the side around the fireplace and the beds in the correct rooms, the kitchen with the stain from when we tried to cook pancakes and that lounge room with the game controllers. 

"I almost forgot to ask, Niall hows your weather control going?" Asked a curious Harry as we sat down near the fire. Niall's gift he was given was the power to control the weather, he used to be terrible at controlling it but now he's sharpened up his senses a lot.

"I'm pretty good now actually, but the occasional mix up with what I want to happened still comes and gos." Niall came into the room with a tray of tea, waving his hand at the fireplace and an instant warmth filled the room as the fire started,"See?" He smirked at the awe struck Harry.

"So is it true? Everyone's been saying a Shadow Pico attacked you guys," Harry asked looking scared. We both nodded and told him the details. His faced turned white and he put his cup of tea down, he looked straight into my eyes. My head fell into my hands as another vision popped into my head, I grunted in pain and the vision became clearer. I gasped as I realized what the vision was and Niall put a hand on my back as I opened my eyes, I excused myself and went to splashed some water on my face. I heard whispering from the other room but I chose to ignore it, I was only thinking about the vision. The vision that showed someone slaughtering Harry in his sleep, his blood oozing out onto the bed sheets as he cried out for help. The crazed murder cut open Harry's chest and pulled out his organs, slashing his throat with a knife and in the process hitting his disjointed head to the floor, Harry's terror filled eyes still open and staring back at me.

"You alright Zayn?" I jumped as I heard Harry's voice behind me.

"Yeah I'm fine, just another vision," I couldn't bring myself to look up into his innocent eyes as I hurried out of the bathroom.

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