Chapter One

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to BlessedCursing for being the first person to vote for this and add this to their library! Thank you xx




"You five boys; Liam James Payne, Harry Edward Styles, Louis William Tomlinson, Niall James Horan and Zayn Jawaad Malik have been chosen by the elders, you are the chosen ones. Through the years the elders have been searching endlessly, and here you are. Our descendants, The Tiger Riders, will guide you, but to do so you must open up your minds, for one day you boys will lead the revolution to defeat the Shadow Pico and protect our land and our people." The old tribe leader, Sebastian, told the young boys. He held a bowl of a blue substance over of each of their heads and streaked special spiritual lines across their faces. Their ages ranged from 16 - 19 and they all looked terrified. The eldest, Louis, was trying to look confident but failed terribly. "You will start training tomorrow morning," The elder continued,"Train well, be sure to take in every detail."


Niall's P.O.V (Four Years Later)

I sighed heavily and looked around the apartment Zayn and I shared, I hadn't seen the other three boys for two years. We were they only two who stuck together, but then again, we weren't the ones who broke the rules. I massaged my temples trying to calm down, we had just come close to a near death experience. Zayn and I were returning from the grocery store in the secluded town we had moved to when a Shadow Pico revealed itself to us. We had tried to fight off the beast and narrowly escaped with only a few wounds after it had disintegrated in the sun, I thought we had finished off the last of them when our training had ended and we joined the war two years ago. Shadow Pico's had been terrorising our people for many centuries and I had thought they were finally gone! Shadow Pico's are not human, nor animal, but a cross in between the two like a hybrid of some sort. They had yellow eyes and razor sharp fangs, taking the form of a human but underneath that layer of skin, muscle and bone, a usually pumping heart did not pump any longer. In the past decade they had adapted to the new world and found a way to breathe under water, yet they haven't discovered how to come out in the sunlight yet. So why did this one think it could? Humans with no knowledge of what Shadow Picos actually are often call them Vampires.

Zayn walked out of the bathroom he instantly started to question me with; 'Why did it come out in the sunlight?' and 'Didn't we finish them off?'. But i only knew as much as him, so I shrugged my shoulders.

"Niall.. Ni it's happening again!" Zayn said, quickly sitting on the bed. Zayn gets these visions, which often tell the future... but the future can be changed.

"What do you see, Zayn?" I asked carefully.

"I see us, all of us! We're in a house, an old house with smashed windows and broken floorboards. Shadow Picos are coming towards us from every angle and oh no... oh God no." Zayn stopped and opened his eyes.

"What is it? What did you see Zayn!"

"I saw all of us lying on top of each other in a pile. They killed us and blood is everywhere! They ripped us apart and ate all of our insides except for our hearts. They nailed them to the walls..." Zayn's face turned white and I rubbed his back affectionately."We have to warn the other boys, we have to go back to the village and prepare everyone!" The thought of seeing the other boys stirred something in my stomach and I gulped.

"What about what happened? With Harry I mean, and what Liam did?" I started to panic, what if the boys didn't want to see each other?

"I don't know Niall, but something has to be done. I'm calling Sebastian, then he can contact the other boys." Zayn picked up the phone and dialled a number. I slipped off the bed and breathed in deeply, slightly scared for what was to come.

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