Cold Waters

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All the noise
Echos in my mind

The pressure on me
Threatening to break
The thinning ice
Beneath my feet

I don't want to fall
Into the cold lake

Yet I already feel myself sinking
In the frozen waves of this cold world

Nothing can calm the shaking
Nothing is warming this world

Everything takes and expects more
When there's nothing left but darkness
For the once lively world
That was full of hope and love once

Now it's filled with bitterness and hate
That fill these cold waters
Muffle the warmth of the fires

Block out the beauty of the stars
And show the bitterness of the darkness

Hatred and fear rule this once lively world
Demons hiding in the dark
Manipulating minds to choose the wrong
Saying it's right to hurt and destroy
To hate and kill

These cold waters trap millions
And tell them they're alone in the world
That they don't matter and no one cares

Blocking out flickers of hope and joy
Replacing them with fear and anxiety
Using bullies as harmful creatures
That manipulate society to play by their rules and have their anger as a pet

These cruel waves cause me to sink
Surrounded by the deep dark coldness
Trapped under the ice with dwindling will to fight

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