Chapter 3 - Charlie

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Ch3 - Charlie Wilson

Charlie watched the tender exchange unfold between mother and daughter, and beamed proudly. He still couldn't believe how lucky he felt. After everything they'd been through over the past few years, he and Talia had come out on top, stronger than ever.

After losing his first wife Emily in a tragic car accident at the hands of a drunk, underage driver, Charlie was convinced he'd never find true love again. Looking at another woman never even crossed his mind, even though he'd had plenty of opportunities to do so. His mother, Enid, was forever trying to set him up with the available young singles in their small town, but he'd never had any interest. Until he met Talia. She had changed everything for him. His whole entire world had turned upside down, in the sweetest way imaginable.

Two broken hearts that were finally able to mend once they put aside their fears and give love a chance. Neither one of them had been looking to get involved, especially not Talia. She'd just regained her freedom after spending three tortuous years with a man who claimed to love her. Her physical scars were nearly healed, but the emotional scars would take much longer to fade away.

It amazed him how much stronger Talia was these days than the woman she'd been when they had first met. She'd found her way into the sleepy Florida town with a small amount of money, no job and no place to live. As luck would have it, she'd booked a room at his mother's Bed & Breakfast, The Ivy House, and quickly forged a bond with the intuitive older woman. His mother had sensed Talia was in great need, how exactly she wasn't sure. Following a gut instinct, she'd offered the mysterious stranger a position of employment at the inn, and neither woman had ever looked back. Today, they were as close as a mother and daughter-in-law could be.

"I ordered the carpet this morning. The installers will be by tomorrow to put it in," he said, interrupting Talia's sweet moment with Carter. He had never seen a woman so in tune to their child's needs before, other than his own mother of course, and was continually amazed by Talia's natural transition into motherhood.

"That's great," she answered with a relieved sigh. "I think we should be ready by next week when the renter arrives. I still can't believe we were able to find someone so quickly," she enthused with an incredulous shake of her head. "We just listed the property a couple of weeks ago!"

"I can't believe we were able to find a renter sight unseen," Charlie answered back. "It just seems crazy someone would want it after only viewing a few crummy pictures online."

Talia cocked her head, her long brunette waves falling below her slender shoulders. "What was he supposed to do? The guy lives in Louisiana. He needs to have a place ready for when he arrives into town," she said knowingly. "Besides, this is a great house - as long as you don't know what's happened here. Thank goodness he's not aware of that. I'm not sure anyone in town would have wanted to live here after knowing it's history . . ." her voice trailed off. "This is truly the best scenario we could have asked for."

It wasn't often they brought up the shooting, but when they did the mood always turned somber. Both he and Talia had suffered a great deal after Steven was killed, but they were trying hard to put it all behind them and move forward, especially now that Carter was a part of their lives.

"What's the guy's name again?" he asked, unable to recall it.

"Jackson Levitt."

Talia had taken care of all of the arrangements, he'd never even spoken to the guy. "Does he have a family or is it just him?"

"I think he's coming alone. He never mentioned anyone joining him," she said, adjusting Carter in her arms.

An abrupt smile took over Charlie's face. "Hey, you'll never guess what Mom told me when I picked Carter up this afternoon," he said, suddenly remembering the big news. "She said her first word!"

Talia's eyes opened wide with surprise. "She did? And you're just now telling me?" she scolded playfully. "What'd she say?"

"Apparently, Mom was showing her pictures in a photo album and when they came to one of Winston," he said, referring to their yellow Labrador Retriever, "she said the word 'Wisin'. Can you believe it?" he marveled in disbelief.

Talia turned her bright blue eyes toward the blonde bundle squirming restlessly in her arms. "Aww, did you say 'Winston', baby girl?" she asked, proudly kissing their daughter on top of her head. "I can't believe we missed it."

Carter let out an agitated coo and Talia set her down on the hardwood floor to stretch. "See, I told you our baby is brilliant," she lightly bragged. "So, how's your mom fairing today without my help?"

Charlie shrugged. "She seemed to be doing alright. Most of the guests were out sightseeing, so she basically had the place to herself. By the way," he added, with a perplexed look on his face. "Have you noticed her online shopping is starting to get out of control? She's expecting her third package this week. Now she's waiting on an electric broom. What the hell is an electric broom, anyway?" he complained with a scowl.

Talia threw him an amused smile. "Your mother's online shopping has nothing to do with shopping at all, but has everything to do with a certain Mr. Easterwood who delivers every package right to the front door, no matter how big or small," she answered with a soft chuckle. "I'm think your mother has a crush."

Charlie scrunched his eyebrows in confusion. "Mom? A crush?" he echoed in disbelief.

"Yes," Talia continued. "Ever since William Easterwood took over the delivery route a few months back, her internet purchases have reached an all time high. Seriously, Charlie! You haven't noticed?" She laughed. "Do you really think she needed that Parcheesi set? It's still sitting in her office unopened."

Could it be true? Did his mother actually have a crush on someone? In all the years she'd been single, Charlie had never once known her date. After his father had run off with another woman, Enid Wilson devoted her entire life to taking care of her only child and running The Ivy House. She'd set her own needs aside for so long, maybe it was about time she tended to them?

"Anyway," Talia said, interrupting his thoughts. "Mr. Easterwood's a sweet man. His wife passed away unexpectedly a couple of years ago and I've noticed him giving your mom googly eyes every time he stops by. I wonder if he's ready to start dating?" she questioned out loud. "Oh, Charlie! Do you think we should try to set them up?"

"Oh, no!" He laughed loudly. "We're staying out of it! I don't even want to think of Mom dating anyone."

"Oh, come on. Your mom's still a young woman. She's beautiful, she's fun, she's feisty. Any man would be lucky to have her. I think it's time for her to find happiness again. Don't you?"

Charlie ignored his wife's question as his stomach turned over uncomfortably. He wasn't sure he was ready for this.

A sudden outburst from Talia snapped him out of his conflicted thoughts. "Carter!" she exclaimed in a panic.

Charlie looked down and found Carter crawling quickly toward the large crimson shadow on the hardwood floor. He hurried to scoop the baby up before she wandered over the dry stain. Carter let out an unhappy shriek as he positioned her into his arms.

Glancing back at Talia, he noticed the stress lines creasing her forehead. "It's alright," he soothed to both his wife and child. "The carpet guys are coming tomorrow. We'll never have to look at that spot again."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

So, Ms. Wilson has a crush? Well, it's about darn time! I can't wait to meet him! ;)

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This chapter is dedicated to reader @Boopitsme, thank you for all the support you've shown!

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