Chapter 25 - Charlie

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Ch. 25 - Charlie

Charlie took a sip of his coffee and set the cup down then slipped the last button of his camouflage jacket through the hole. With a sigh, he looked out past the trees toward the inky-black water in the distance. The morning was unusually chilly and he could just make out steam rising up from the marsh, swirling around like apparitions from a life long forgotten.

He leaned back in the patio chair, his hand falling to the side to stroke Winston's soft fur, and enjoyed the silence as a new day was born. A sense of contentment stirred inside his chest and he smiled to himself.

God's in His heaven and all is right with the world...

It was a line from a poem his mother used to recite when he was just a little boy. On nights after his father left home when he had trouble sleeping, his mother would come into his room, dry his tears and share bits and pieces of literature as a way to distract him. At the time he hadn't realized that's what she was doing, but it was clear as day now that he had a child of his own. When Carter had difficulty falling asleep, he would sit and rock her in the chair he'd built and retell the stories and poems his mother passed on so long ago.

Charlie swallowed down the last of his coffee then stood up, stretched, and make his way toward the garage, Winston following close behind. Pulling a ring of keys from his pocket, he picked through them until he found the one he was searching for. He slipped the golden metal into the keyhole and opened a closet door, then he leafed through the ring again looking for a smaller silver key, one that was meant to open the gun safe inside. Carefully, his eyes moved over the weapons until two were selected. He pulled them from the rack then closed the safe, his ears straining to hear the click of the latch. With his knee, he pushed the closet door shut, concealing what was hidden inside. With care, he set the guns down on a work bench.

"Good morning."

Charlie looked up and found Jackson standing at the door watching him. "Good morning to you." He smiled as he watched Jackson rub his hands together for warmth. "How do you like this chilly weather we're having?"

Winston stood at attention as Jackson walked in and emitted a low growl, never once taking his eyes off him.

"Winston!" Charlie exclaimed. He pat the top of the dog's head until he relaxed. "I'm sorry, he's not normally like that.

Jackson laughed lightly. "It's alright, I'm not offended. I'm a stranger and he has a family to protect. That's his job. And as far as the weather goes, well let's just say I wasn't expecting it. I'm afraid I'm not prepared for anything other than heat."

"Don't worry," Charlie said, his eyes moving over the pale yellow polo shirt Jackson wore. "I have an extra camouflage jacket you can borrow. It'll keep you warm and help you blend into the woods a little better."

"Shouldn't we be wearing bright orange so we stand out?"

"Not when we're hunting on my property. There'll be no risk of shooting another hunter because there won't be anyone out there but us." Charlie walked across the garage and grabbed a jacket hanging from a hook on the wall. "Here you go," he said, handing it over. "It looks like it should fit, I think we're about the same size."

Jackson slid his arms through the sleeves and hoisted the jacket into place. "It's a perfect fit." He smiled. "Thank you, Charlie. I appreciate you letting me use it."

"No problem." Charlie walked back to the work bench and picked up a rifle. "Have you ever used one of these?"

Jackson followed him, his gaze sweeping over the long metal weapon. He nodded his head. "Yes, I've used one before, but it's been a long time. I'm sure I'll be rusty."

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