Chapter 5 - Enid

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Ch5 - Enid Wilson

Enid Wilson was just about to crack open the first egg at The Ivy House when Talia entered the kitchen holding Carter.

"Good morning, you two," she exclaimed, setting down her chore and hurrying over to take the baby from her daughter-in-law's arms. She gathered Carter into a tight embrace and giggled happily as the child squirmed about. "You sure are a restless little bug! So much like your father when he was your age." She held Carter up and their gazes locked, blue on blue. Slowly, Carter began to settle, and before long she was cooing happily, perfectly content.

"I'm telling you, Enid," Talia began with an exhausted chuckle. "You're like the baby whisperer. If I didn't know any better, I would swear you were magical."

Ms. Wilson let out a silvery little laugh. "Hardly magical, dear, just in tune with life around me. If you listen close enough, you can even hear the wind telling it's secrets," she added mysteriously, one of her many specialties. "Trouble is, everyone is always in such a rush these days, too busy to take notice to much of anything." She buckled Carter into a high chair and poured her a sippy-cup full of diluted juice. The baby was trying master the art of drinking from a cup, and was having a good time playing with it and sucking on the rim, not yet wise enough to tip the bottom up to take a drink. Once Enid was content her granddaughter was entertained, she returned to her mission of making breakfast for the bed and breakfast guests. "Did you pick out paint for the rental house?" she asked, looking over her shoulder at Talia.

Talia slumped into a chair and began to fiddle restlessly with the linen tablecloth. "Not yet," she sighed. "We ran out of time. We're going to look tonight instead. I started packing up the kitchen and before I knew it Charlie and Carter were there, ready to leave. I know I need to stop acting like such a baby-I have so much work to do-but it's just so difficult being back inside that house."

Enid turned around, studying Talia over the rim of her glasses. It continued to amaze her how hard Talia could be on herself! "Dear, you are not acting like a baby at all! You've been through so much-more than most people go through in a lifetime-and that house is home to unspeakable acts. It's only natural you wouldn't want to go back there," she said, shaking her head in exasperation. "I wish Charlie would just hire a moving company to pack up. Lord knows it would make things so much easier on the both of you."

"Well, in his defense, he did offer, but I declined. I can't live in a protective bubble forever. I need to face my fears," Talia said, reaching down to pick up the sippy-cup Carter playfully threw to the floor. She gave it back to her daughter, who promptly tossed it to the ground again with a giggle. Talia set it down on the kitchen table and reached inside the diaper bag she'd brought along, quickly retrieving a teething biscuit for Carter to chew on. Once the baby was successfully distracted, Talia returned her attention back to her mother-in-law.

"I've been meeting with Rebecca Blair from Healing Hearts quite a bit," she announced, referring to the psychologist who worked at the abused women's shelter Talia volunteered at. "She's been helping me put things into perspective."

"I'm so happy to hear that, dear," Enid exclaimed, clapping her hands together joyfully. "I remember meeting her at the shelter's fundraiser last year-she's a marvelous doctor, or so I've been told. I think it's wonderful news."

A portion of Talia's court-ordered community service placed her in the center of a refuge for women and children who had escaped from their own oppression. The judge wanted her to serve in a situation that was meaningful, and Talia couldn't have been more willing. Normally it was customary to serve in the community where the violation had taken place, but as she was now residing in Florida the state of Washington agreed her work could be done there, where she could successfully begin a new life. The judge, having been a survivor of domestic violence herself, had been understanding, encouraging her to put to use everything she had been through for the greater good. Talia was sentenced to two years of service, and even though the term had ended almost a year ago, Talia remained a faithful volunteer, and continued to bond with the families who found themselves on the shelter's doorstep. A slap on the wrist, as far as Talia was concerned. She realized her punishment for setting the fire and identity theft could have had a much harsher outcome, but helping families cope after leaving an abusive relationship was something she would have eventually done on her own, without a court-ordered document forcing her to donate time.

"I think so, too," Talia agreed. "Rebecca is so amazing and sympathetic. She's easy to talk to, as well. I've found that sharing what happened has been a comfort. I'm not having the nightmares nearly as often."

Enid nodded knowingly. "Having someone to talk to after a tragedy is not only good for your mental health, it's good for your soul, too. You've made a wise decision opening up like this, Talia. I've always believed-" but her words were suddenly cut off by the ringing of a doorbell. Enid felt her cheeks grow warm, and she began to nervously smooth down her apron.

"Who do you suppose that could be this early in the morning?" Talia asked, a mischievous twinkle gleaming in her eye. It was a good thing Enid hadn't told anyone, she knew she'd never hear the end of it, but she just could not wipe the smile off her face every time the new delivery man came to the door. There was something very endearing about William Easterwood and she could not get enough of him standing on her porch.

"Oh," Ms. Wilson exclaimed, fervently fluffing her short, brown bob. "That must be the electric broom I ordered! I've been waiting for it to come in. That old sweeper of mine has been nothing but trouble," she announced, gesturing to the nearly new broom propped up next to the back door. She hurried from the kitchen to answer the bell.

"Ms. Wilson," William Easterwood exclaimed, rewarding her with a charismatic smile. "So nice to see you today. You're looking as lovely as ever."

Despite herself, Enid felt her blush deepen and work it's down her neck. "Oh, Mr. Easterwood," she softly giggled. "You're such a charmer! Won't you come in for some coffee?" she asked, batting her eyelashes. Good Lord, what was it about this man that made her feel like a giddy school-girl?

William Easterwood tipped the brimmed hat positioned on top of his head and dazzled her with another grin. "Well, I certainly wish I could-you're by far my favorite customer-but I've got an extremely busy morning ahead of me. I'd love a rain-check, though."

Enid held the door open for him and he walked inside, gently setting the box he held down on the carpet. "Anytime you're free," she answered back. "The offer always stands. I would love to have you over."

"Hello, Mr. Eatserwood!" Talia called out from the kitchen. She was holding Carter in her arms and peeking around the corner with a wide smile on her face.

"Well, hello there, Talia. How are you today?"

"Very well, thank you."

"That baby of yours gets prettier every single day," he stated, the grin on his face illuminating the whole room. "I'm afraid you've got a heart-breaker on your hands."

"Oh, Mr. Easterwood," Enid giggled again. "Has anyone ever told you that you could charm the pants off a snake?"

"Not today they haven't," he said, tipping his hat again. "I'll see you later, Talia," he called out with a wave.

"Good bye Mr. Easterwood. You have a nice day," she called back.

"And good bye to you, Ms. Wilson," he added with a smile. "I look forward to seeing you again real soon."

The smile on Enid's face grew wider as she closed the front door. That delivery man just made her heart race every single time she saw him! Trying to regain her composure, Enid marched toward the kitchen, her wheels quickly spinning. "Talia, dear, can you hold down the fort for a minute? I need to run to my computer for a moment. I've been meaning to order a banana slicer, but it just keeps slipping my mind!" she declared with a chuckle.

"A banana slicer? But can't you just use a kitchen knife?" Talia asked innocently.

"A kitchen knife?" Enid repeated in mock horror. "Now where's the fun in that?"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Aww, Ms. Wilson is crushing on someone! And Mr. Easterwood seems such like a nice man. Can't wait to see where that might lead. ;)

Hello, and welcome to Secrets and Lies. If you enjoyed this chapter, please remember to vote/comment.

This part is dedicated to fellow WPC2014 chum @amberkbryant and her breathtaking The Fold Series, beginning with her Watty Award winning story Unseen. If you're looking for a mystical and intriguing read involving parallel realities and unexpected love, you must check it out!

I do hope to update this story on Friday, enjoy your week! XO

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