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it was now saturday beach day. over the past three days i have got really close with hawk. i also got close with tory she's probably my girl best friend i tell her EVERY thing. miguel and i have a brother and sister relationship . and i also love the others like sam and willy wonka.they showed me a picture of robby before his hair cut so now i call him willy wonka.


unlock the door it's cold outside!!

ok!! i'm coming 🙄

"why are you outside my house at 8:30 in the morning" i asked the boy door who was standing in front of my door "i'm hungry did you make any food" he responded coming inside my house. wtf is this boy on ?!? "no it's 8:30 i just got out of bed" "ok well can i make some food i'm starving" "go ahead i'm going back to sleep" i went upstairs and fell asleep

"get up i'm done with breakfast i made pancakes, eggs,and bacon" hawk said coming in my room. i swear this boy does not know how to knock. "alr i'm coming hold up" i got my phone off my bed side table and glasses.i put my glasses on and went downstairs.

"i didnt know you wear glasses"hawk said when i got in the dining room area. "yea now you do" i said with a little attitude . let's just say i'm not a morning person. "no need to have a attitude four eyes" i'm going to kill him. "you think that's funny?" "yes very much" he replied laughing. "whatever i'm hungry" my mom wasn't home i don't know why because she works at night maybe sleep at the hospital.

we finished eating breakfast and was now cleaning up. "hey want to got work out ?" i asked the boy next to me "yea sure" " ok go home and get ready" "you sure ?" "yea theres only a few dishes and then i'll start getting ready" "whatever you say bye see u in 30" "ok" 3o?wth am i supposed to do in only 30 minutes!!

after i got done with the dishes i went straight upstairs to my bathroom and got in the shower. after that i did the basic things like brush my teeth,do my hair,and i was going to put on my clothes but i left them in my room .i was just in a towel.

"WTF HAWK" i scream "hey" he says "hawk what are you doing in my bedroom" "i texted you i was coming and put some clothes on" "you're in MY room and telling me to put some clothes on" "yes you're going to flash me" "omg just give me my clothes" he throw my clothes at me.i go in the bathroom and change into a sports bra and leggings.

"u ready" i ask hawk "yea let's go i'm driving" "ok i didnt feel like it anyways,where are we going" "you got to wait and see" "are you going to kill me" "maybe do u want to die?" "um sure i guess" "whatever smart ass" i put on "locked out of heaven by Bruno mars (i dont know why but that song makes me get out of bed and dance lol).

after 10-15 minutes later we arrive at some hike i'm guessing. "where are we?" i asked still confused "we're going on a hike" we started to walk up. "ok what do you want to talk about" i asked "um let's get to know each other more" "ok ask away" "alr when's your birthday" "july 7th when's yours" "august 6th" "haha i'm older" "only by weeks not even a month"

"how many ex's do you have"i asked "0 never had a girlfriend you?" "0 never had a boyfriend" i wonder if that's why he said "i don't do girlfriends" . we keep asking each other questions like what's your favorite food or most embarrassing thing that happened to you . we also took some pictures to post on instagram. 

"can you carrie me please i'm tiredddd" "really?" "yes my legs hurt" "omg big baby come on" i jumped on his back . "don't make me fall or i'm going to murder you" "whatever you say princess" OMGGG princess just rail me already. we made it to my car without him dropping me . "wow we made it alive" "shut up" "whatever you say eli" yea he told me about eli and how he used to get bully i don't really get why the bullied him you can barely see the scar and i think it's hot.

"can we go get smoothies?" i asked "sure whatever you want princess" we pulled up to the smoothie place and went in . "hey what can i get you guys" the girl at the front taking orders asked. she was eye banging hawk and you could see it . "hey what do u want princess" hawk asked me "oh um can i get a mango and strawberry smoothie" "and i'll take the same thing"

after we finished ordering and got our smoothies we just relaxed in my car with the AC on because it was hot today. we just talked more until i said "aren't we going to the beach with the others today?" "oh yea i forgot about that let's go home" we drove home and got out the car.

"alr i'll see you later do you want a ride?"i asked"yea thank you" "no problem bye" "bye" i went inside i sat on the couch i was looking at the pictures me and hawk took i posted some and so did he .


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hawk.thebadass:8:30am hikes w/ ellie

ellie.j: i was so tired after that.😭
hawk.thebadas: ik you made me carry you back

miguel.diaz:ellie and hawk sitting in a tree k.i.s.s.i.n.g
ellie.j: shut up you're not funny MIGGY

j: shut up you're not funny MIGGY

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ellie.j:morning hikes and gym work outs

hawk.thebadass:i didn't even know you took the first picture

robby.keene:i ship idk about yall...
ellie.j:willy wonka shut up

tory.nichols:i see you😏

user1:wait does she have a boyfriend?!
user2:i think that's her friend
hey y'all!!! enjoy! if anything's misspelled just tell me ! we got a lot of hawk and ellie ....i wonder what's going to happen at the beach😏 1059 words

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