chapter 23 PETER and PAST

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Hailey pov

Peter is someone who is handsome and every girls dream man in my college, I saw more than almost half the college girls already proposed him. On the other half is either they have a boyfriend or they were afraid of rejection.

He was clinging to me like a kola always and I was mostly hated by girls in the college for that.
I had a friend in college but she confessed to me that she was friend with me because of Peter.

He is rich, handsome, talented and studious but I don't like him dot.....
I just don't like him . I have rejected his proposal three times which is a serious kind and 1000 times which are playful.
I thought I would escape in the hospital if I got a job.
But you know life never goes your way I MEAN NEVERRRR.

He was there with me in my internship and also in the hospital where I got my first job, I know he can even get a scholarship and go for abroad for his mark. He was even offered to another 3 to four top college in the country for job. But no he will not do what is good for him.
He is following me like a shadow.
I scolded him many times, shouted at him and even talked with him calmly with a coffee, so I don't kill him by frustration because of his flirting.

But all are going in thin air like a steam.
He is continuing being persistent on chasing me and i keep continuing being persistent to reject him.

i don't know what he is trying to do, he is spoiling his life himself and it is making me guilty. i don't know what to do with him.
i was actually happy for past few months without his thoughts and my new surrounding was getting better but why does he have to appear again.

Though he is not the reason i changed my job but he was one of the reason in them.
and i am in this situation now i am both relieved and frustrated at same time.

he is doing all this things in the name of love , he thinks that he can force me to love by trying to be physical.

you can force lust by being physical but never you can force someone heart to love you back.

I am fed up with him and I just went with it but with caution and distance so it didn't look like I am giving any opening for him .

When we were working in the hospital, there was a mafia gang which my brother was handling a case of them, it is a North gang I don't remember it's name but they are the soul reason for me to after learn defense classes even I am still scared.

They followed me and were trying to get to me to make my brother stop. I was nearly kidnapped and it was a miracle that I was saved in last minute, I don't know who is that person that saved me but I am alive because of him. I think my brother know him but he refused to say anything about him.

After that my parent and brother convinced me and send me away from them for my safety. I am even trained for defense training which I was not much interested and it was too hard, but somehow learned them for safety purposes and for escaping if the same event take place again.

That time I was scared, I was stressed and now  for a short while I have forgotten all that and was living in peace .

But seeing Peter here again making all the past rush into my memory like a bullet train.
If not for Claire interruption I would have started to get tense all again and would have loose my patience and mind because they were not best memories.

To be honest Claire itself a headache with her unwanted sarcasm and free display clothes, I was having fun with conversation eventually getting irritated at same time thank goodness that Mike came to aid.

Now think of it,  how did Mike come now?
I didn't inform him, it's been weeks since we talked and I thought we were both busy so I didn't expect this sudden visit of surprises from all side like this.

What is this situation?????

Thank you for reading
Have a good day 😊💛

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