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[Yeji POV]

Today is my first holiday after all the suffering from studying untill late at night because of the coming soon exam but thank God that it was already ended.

I rode the public bus because I didn't owned a car yet.I'm still a student and I don't have that much money to buy a car.

I put on my earphones and play my favourite song.I started to get sleepy because last night I slept at 4 AM?

I close my eyes and.....BAMMM!

I got into a car accident

And that's how I got into this world...

"Are you okay?"

I heard some voice... Didn't I already dead?Why did I heard some guy voices.

I opened my eyes slowly and stare at this familiar guy.Why is he wearing such a weird attire...Almost like a royal attire? and he's pretty handsome too~

Is this heaven?

I stare at the guy face and jump out of the bed.I look around where the heck I was and...

"Why am I here??"I mumbled not enough for them to hear.

I look at my dress and back off from the guy.

Don't said that I was the...


first of all, why am i laying on the bed with my dress is still on? it's quite uncomfortable..but to be honest it's going to be weird if I'm in another outfit.

second of all, what did i do in my previous life to deserve this? am i a demon or something

thirdly, I'm hungry.... sorry my inner girls problem just came out

"Thank God you are alright or I'm gonna die"he sighed.

"What are you doing here?"I asked fully confused.

"Lady Christopher,The second prince accidentally hit the lady carriage.You fainted and we decided to bring you back to the palace as a apologies."said the middle age man who is standing beside the guy that he's calling the second prince.

If he said that this guy is second prince does that mean....


Mark Louise Remond

"Sorry for my rudeness your highness"I bowed down quickly.

What should I say??!!This is so awkward!

"If you are feeling alright you can go back to your manor now"said mark coldly.

Yeah totally remember that second prince is cold with everyone.Not gonna blame him for saying that to me.

but isn't he the one who's at fault here? i mean he hit my carriage first...oh yeji calm down...dont be a karen here and be nice :)

"Thank you for your highness help"I bowed again.

After the second prince went out from the room.I sighed in relieved.He asked some middle age man who seems to be the butler I guess to escort me home.

I jumped on my bed as soon as I got into my bedroom.

What should I do now?

I am now 16 years old in this manhwa.But my real age is 22 years old dushuwjsiw.At the age of 18 I got engaged with the Crown Prince.NOOOO THERE IS NO WAY I'M GONNA GET MARRIED WITH HIM.

So I got reincarnated here 2 years before that happens.I should break the engagement with him as soon as I can.

So....I should avoided him as much as I could!

"My lady the Duke wanted to meet you in his studies now"said the butler.

"Okay"I said.

I walk through the empty corridor following the butler direction.

You never know when you gonna arrived at the studies T_T

"Here we are"he said.

"Duke,the lady is here"said him.

"You can come in"the voice came behind the door.

The butler open the door for me and after I got in the room he close the door.

"Do you know what you did this time?"the Duke asked.

Oh boi...What did I do?!!


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07 ⏰

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