Chapter - 12

35 1 0

West Coast

'The submarine should be there' Jack said pointing almost fifty metres away.
'But the road is blocked, by these trees' Jungkook said while pointing towards the big trees that were blocking the road.
'We can take a boat from here and take the waterway' Jack said while pointing towards the boats that were standing in the water. You all nodded.

You all then jumped on the boat. Jack and his friends knew how to ride the boat. You and your friends went in the underground chamber (idk what it's called 😅) of the boat. You sat quietly. Suddenly you started coughing but luckily no blood came out of your mouth.

Taehyung was sitting beside you.
'Y/N now we are finally gonna be totally safe' he said while smiling a little ( world's Prettiest smile )

You smiled back.
You knew you wer falling for him
( A/N - Y/N sry but he is taken ) but you shouldn't as it would hurt him. It would give him endless pain.

You were thinking of all this when suddenly your boat stopped with a sudden jerk.
You and others got up and made your way upstairs.

You saw Jack and his friends trying to move a rock which blocked your way.
The rock was very big and it won't move.
You saw the submarine standing in water 20 metres from you.
You were thinking how would you reach the submarine when suddenly you all heard a very loud explosion as the building towards your left collapsed.

The dust came flying and you all closed your eyes. The dust made you cough.
When you opened your eyes you were dumbstruck by the scene in front of you.
There was a huge tornado in front of you all. The tornado was taking trees, buildings everything's with it. It was endlessly big.

So, the aliens were probably here for trees and minerals.

The tornado was moving towards you. You had to jump off the boat otherwise you would be picked up by the tornado.

Jack screamed 'Everybody jump'.

Author plays jump
Let's jump....
Back to the story.

All of you jumped in the water and started swimming towards the submarine.


All the boys reached the submarine, the Russian navy officers helped them to get over the submarine.
When Jimin noticed you missing.
He called out 'Y/N, Y/N'.

All the boys started calling out your name, you were no where to be seen.
The Russian officers said that they will be moving in about one hour. If you can find her then you can go but exactly after an hour we'll be leaving.

Jack and others said 'We will also help you find her'.
'Okay let's go' Jimin said.
'She may have went towards the bus stop, let's go and check there' Jack said.


When you jumped in water your breath started getting faster. It was becoming harder for you to breathe. You all saw the boys swim towards the submarine.
But you knew that you wouldn't be able to reach the submarine.
You quickly got out of water and started running away from the tornado. You saw a bus stop nearby.
You ran in. You saw a lot of buses standing there. You also a light flicker in one of the buses. ALIEN!!

You quickly climbed one of the buses and hid under a seat at the back. You coughed a little and you saw your hand covered with blood.

You wanted your friends to come and save you but another side of yours wanted your friends to be safe and leave you behind.


All the boys reached the bus stop.
'She must be in one of the buses, but be careful of the aliens, one mistake and you are dust' Jack said.
Jack and his friends still had their weapons including two pistols, a flame thrower and two bombs.

'We need to separate, in order to find her soon' Namjoon said.
Everyone nodded and separated in groups of two-two.

'We will meet at the entry of bus stop after 30 minutes, I hope we will find her by that time' Jack said.
Some went inside the bus stop, some checked Tue ticket counters.

Seokjin and Jimin went towards the buses. Jimin went near a bus and called ' Y/N, where are you?'

No response.

Seokjin did the same and called 'Y/N'.
They did it with almost every bus but near a bus a 'Yes' sounded.

They looked it was a 7 number bus.


You were hiding in the bus praying when you heard your name being called. You replied 'Yes'.

Then after a few moments someone entered your bus.
It was Seokjin and Jimin.
'Y/N' they breathed.
You were relieved. They - they came to save you.

Tears filled your eyes, you came out of your hiding spot and ran towards them and hugged them.

Then Jimin said 'Let's go Y/N, we got you'.

Both of them took each of your hand and lead towards the main gate.

You were happy but then you saw all others standing in front of you and three aliens coming opposite towards them.
All of their eyes fixed on the tree aliens.

Jimin and Seokjin pulled you to hide behind a drum.

The first of the aliens path was filled with oil.

Don't ask where the oil came from, just go with the flow 😂😂

An idea popped up in your head.
'Flame thrower, fire it' you screamed.

Jack listened and fired it. The oil caught fire.

Bultaorune fire o e o 😂😂

The aliens fled away.
After all fighting you were safe at last.
All of your friends came towards you and hugged you one by one.

After that all of you walked towards the submarine. You were happy and you had forgotten about your illness for a while.

You all reached the submarine on time and then Jack and his friends bid you goodbye.


Double update


Chp 12 published

Last chp left

Will publish asap..💜💜

Love you my galaxies

Thnq for 150+ reads
I love you.....😘

I m out..



@ tae.blackswan_

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