Love Is Never Wrong

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She fell in love with Her

He fell in love with Him

Neither of them together

But they were altogether.

Their love had expanded

In the world of answers demanded.

They supported their lover

For laws to change over.

Hands held tightly

With their smiles head brightly,

In hope for society to treat them fair

For their respectful acceptance as pair.

They embrace their fellow mate

To redefine their love's fate;

Not in the term of Gender

But in Person in the tender.

Their every shade of color is behold

In the essence of their championship enfold.

All of them walk in stride

For their future to be Pride.


Poem for Pride Month: Poetry Contest  #ind_legion

A/N: This poem is dedicated to the LGBTQ+ Community for their loves and hopes.

If you like my poem your votes and feedbacks are appreciable and valuable. Healthy criticism is accepted. Thank you for deciding to read this poem. I hope you enjoyed this journey through my thoughts.

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