Death too sudden

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Jogging up the stairs to the hospital room, I go to meet up with Yuji, and talk to the old man.
I go through the halls and scan all the doors, looking for the a specific room's numbers
"Ah! Found it" I thought with a smile.
Slowing down, I open the door to Wasuke Itadori's room.


"Sorry, I'm a bit late!" I say as I enter.
Looking up I see Yuji, busy taking the packaging off the flowers he bought, by the window.
"What's happening with your school club! Why aren't you two at your club!" The old man exclaims.
"The way they both show they care, about each other, is really weird sometimes" I sweat drop
"Chill out grandpa, the club meeting was over hours ago" Yuji says, as he carries on unraveling the plastic around the flowers.
I walk further into the room, and I nod my head, as if to confirm what my friend said.
"If I didn't have time, I wouldn't be visiting you" Itadori continues.

With a slightly awkward smile, I look around the simple room in an uncomfortable manner.
After what happened a few days ago, I was still a bit tense.
"He most definitely knows something" I thought, replaying that day in my head.

"There's some things I want to say before I reach the end" Wasuke in said a calm manner.
"Crap. Must of zoned out" as I turned to look at the elder. Moving out the way, so the taller boy with pink hair, can walk past me. Itadori goes to the sink, on the other side of the room.
"Come on, old man! Your not dying just yet!" I said with a grin and a laugh, as I sit down on an empty chair by the window.
Looking at the grandpa's face, I was hit with a bad feeling. I scan the plain room for a second, and shake my head. So as usual, I just laugh it off.

"*sigh* It's about your parents-"
"I told you, I'm not interested" Yuji interrupts, as he turns the tap, and fills the vase with water.
Gazing back and forth between them. Itadori, Continues talking.
"Can u stop trying to be cool before you die"
"Eh?...What's with all this talk, about death all of a sudden?" I thought in confusion.

"Every man has the right to go out in style you know" The grey haired man said.
"Get a clue, you useless grandson" after the grandpa said that, I couldn't help but to cackle, but stopped shortly afterwards.
"Quit all your complaining, you don't have to put a show on for me" Yuji says with a staight face, as he puts the flowers in the vase. That's when I realised, I should probably leave them some privacy.
"*tch* you've had it too easy" the older Itadori says, as he turns on his side.
"I'll uhh... leave you guys to it" I said, as I was getting up. About to walk out the hospital room.
"You're strong kids, so try to help others. Save the people you can, even if it's only those closest to you. It's okay if you lose your way, and don't worry about whether they'll thank you or not. Just save as many as you can... even if it's only one" my eyes widen at what his saying, as I carry on listening
"when you die you should be surrounded by people.. Don't end up like me" after that it was a long pause.
"Grandpa?/Gramps?" We both said..
But there was no answer.
Yuji calls the receptionists on the phone, hanging on the wall.
Sniffling as he does, trying not to cry. while I... have a blank face, letting the new information sink in.
When it does.. my smile falls.. I might not have visited him a lot, but.... *sigh*
I take the phone from my friends hand, and tell the people at the front desk the terrible news.
with a sad, almost cracking voice I say.
"Wasuke Itadori.... is dead"
At the reception desk, by the entrance of the hospital
I rub my childhood friend's back to try and bring some comfort, but I knew he needed some time alone to mourn.
"Hey... I'm sorry.." I'm not the best when it comes to comforting others.
"I'll.. leave you some time to grieve..Looks like we'll be chatting on the phone from now on, bye Yuji" I said with the happiest smile I could muster, which wasn't much at the moment.
After one last strong hug from the pink haired boy, and one last pat on the back from me. I walk away, as Itadori signs the papers.
Letting my forced grin fade away, like the sun.


Opening and walking out the entrance, I accidentally walk into someone. I quickly mutter a small "Sorry" as I walk back alone to my house.
Not realising it was the same boy I saw at the school field.


Walking on the pavement, past some beautiful houses, with luscious gardens.
I walk the long way home... if I can call it that.
"Hope Yuji doesn't get into trouble somehow" I said to myself with a slight frown.
Passing a black cat on my way, stopping and giving it a few head rubs.
"There's no way, he gets himself into a dangerous situation now. He'll be heading straight home, to mourn"


"Yuji Itadori"
The pink haired boy turns to the person who called him, with a confused face.
"I'm Fushiguro from Jujutsu Tech, I'd like to have a word with you.. Now" the boy says.
Walking to an area, to talk privately, Itadori following behind.
Stopping at a shadier place in the hospital.
"Uhhhh... I'm in mourning right now" the pink haired teen says.
"I understand, but this can't wait. The cursed object you have is extremely dangerous, hand it over immediately"
"Who is this guy?" Yuji thinks to himself.


In a room was a (h/c) haired boy, packing clothing and other things into a bag.
"*sigh* This is taking longer than I though. My backs breaking!" The teen quickly stretches and rubs his teary eyes.
After all, the boy was silently grieving the old man's death.
"Don't cry, don't cry. Don't want my 'family' to see me at a weak state" he stops and blinks his eyes.
Then carries on packing; clothing, bathroom necessities, plus a picture frame of Yuji and him.
Picking it up, the (e/c) eyed boy smiles looking at the photo of him and his childhood friend. It was when they were at the park, on the swings. A shorter boy with (h/c) hair, smiling at the camera. While Yuji was mid swing, turned his face right in time for his grin to be seen in the picture.
His mind goes through memory lane.
"(M/N) (L/N)!" someone shouts in a strict manner, from somewhere in the house.
His smile fades, reluctantly he leaves his bedroom. The frame left on his bed face down.

_YES_ _NO_

Childhood friend | jujutsu kaisen x male reader| rewriting Where stories live. Discover now