Walking back

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Sitting on the steps, we wait for the other two to come back from sending the kid home.
"Do you know I get into a bad mood when I'm hangry" Nobara said, tapping her feet on the stairs.
"When are you not in a bad mood" Yuji mutters, with an uncaring face, holding me still, and messing up my hair as punishment for what I said earlier in the abandoned house.

I ignore it, quite used to this happening when I tease him, and carry on thinking of what to eat, maybe something spicy... No, that's a bad idea.

"Hey, there!" The white haired man says as he walks in our direction, Fushiguro following behind him.
"We made sure the kid got home" as the oldest said that, the three of us stand up, well I was sort of carried up, but that doesn't matter.

"Now how about we grab some food" now that was a good idea! Quickly getting out of my friend's hold, I practically jump in excitement.
Immediately Itadori shouts out what he wants, Nobara not far behind, suddenly I realise I don't know what I want to eat.
Holding my head as I crouch down, my mind working 3 times the usual pace, as my eyes stare blankly on the floor.

Getting up from my panicked state, I deflate, saying I'll decide at the restaurant.
"Just leave it all to me!" Gojo says while giving us a thumbs up.

"Megumi you in?" Eh?.. that's his first name? Well, now I know everyone's full names.
Though it seems Fushiguro's too distracted by his phone, to answer.

Satoru only looks at him in confusion, then suddenly moves Yuji, and Nobara ahead, leaving the two of us behind.
"Wait for me!!" I yell, quickly catching up to them with a full blown panicked look on my face.
Though I thought I felt someone's eyes on me, turning my head in that direction I see no one. Shaking off the feeling I carry on walking with the group.
Walking past the wall of the higher up train tracks, slowly walking to our destination.
"Ohh, I forgot about my biggest haul for the day. Hey you, go fetch my things" right, she put her bags in the lockers, I guess we need to go fetch them soon.
"Huh, why should I do that? I thought we were even now"

"We won thanks to my cursed energy, got a problem with that?" Well she is right about that for the last curse we faced, without her it would have gotten away.
"What about my raw strength?" Yuji says, as I also remember without him, Nobara would have been killed along with the kid.

"That freaky strength you get from eating weird shit?"
"It's not just from that! Right Fushiguro, m/n?" Yuji shouts pointing at her, then looking at me.
"Hey! I'm a witness of your strength before you ate it, but I don't have any proof" I say with a shrug of my shoulders, as they carry on arguing for the tenth time today.

Turning around when he noticed the male hasn't said anything, yuji asks Megumi what's the matter.
The teen only muttering a small nothing from his lips, as he walks behind everyone.

"He's pouting because he didn't get to fight" Gojo says in a teasing voice.
"Pft, poor whittle baby!" She says as she holds her laughter.
Only making the black haired teenager, growl in annoyance, though it only makes Itadori and I laugh with the rest.

_YES_ _NO_

As a child, I was seen as amazing, for my curse energy was above the average amount.
Trying to teach me things at such a young age, showing me how to fight, yet all I wanted to do was blankly stare out the window, watching as cars speed by, or a butterfly as it flies off from its perch on a flower.

Though my family won't have me staring at the outside world, saying it's better to stay here and away from people who'd take me away from them.

Over the years, I noticed they never really cared about the bruises on me from training too hard, they only care for the final product I become.
And once I learnt how to manipulate my cursed energy, they got even greedier, saying that all I need is to get stronger, but they only say that so they can get praised by other clans for their child's amazing abilities.

If I couldn't see curses... I'd end up like my sister, forgotten, never to be found.
I looked for her, but I always end up empty handed, so I slowly started to stop looking for her, especially after I hear some gossip in the household.

I don't like it here..

They are my family by blood, but I'll always deny it, after all...

Who willing gets their family member trapped into an abandoned house full of curses, to be killed, while they say that they have no blood on their hands from doing such a thing.

Their cruel and I'm not, that's the difference between us.

I climb off the wall once again to go play with Yuji, not bothering to make other friends, and like a switch, I turn back into a happy kid, laughing away the depressing thoughts, as I let myself get lost in the fun.

-YES- -NO-

Childhood friend | jujutsu kaisen x male reader| rewriting Where stories live. Discover now