Chapter 5: The artical

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September 1st, 1994

James, Sirius, and Snape arrived at Rita Skeeters house.

"Okay guys I'm giving you are warning because she is stubborn and weird sometimes. So this might not be easy." Snape said.

"Well we knew that, but thanks for the warning Snape." Sirius replied. They walked in and Rita came running in the room.

"How can I help you boys today." Rita asked.

"We want to put a article in the paper on how Regulus Black isn't a criminal." James stated. Rita gasped.

"Why would you want to do a thing like that." Rita asked. "He is a criminal."

"Rita they have very good evidence that they want to put in the paper." Snape stated. "Please let them."

"Fine." Rita replied. "But if I get fired it's your guy's fault."

"Brilliant." James smiled. "Let's get started."

They spent the next two hours getting all the information written down so that Rita could publish it. When they were finally done they got in the car to drop Snape off.

"Well that was fun." James said. "Thanks for helping us Severus." Snape stopped what he was doing.

"Did you just call me Severus?"

"I guess I did." James replied. "I've never done that before but I mean we don't really have a stupid rivalry anymore so why not."

"Never thought I would hear those words come out of your mouth Prongs." Sirius said. "Well let's get Severus to his house before we all become best friends."

"You know what though. Becoming friends doesn't sound that bad." James stated. "We are adults now and not teenagers."

"Sounds brilliant." Snape said. "Friends?"

"Friends." James and Sirius replied as they shook hands with Snape.

September 3rd, 1994

Harry had never felt like this before. He found himself staring at Cedric a lot more than usual. He had recently found out Ron's little sister Ginny liked him and if it was last year he would have asked her out but now he didn't really care.

He was becoming more and more confused about his sexuality. Seamus, Dean, George, and Lee had all came out by now. He had probably been acting weird too because one day Dean came over to him.

"You okay Harry." Dean asked.

"Yeah just questioning things and stressing about them."

"Let me guess what that question is." Dean stated. "You're asking yourself if you are gay."

"How did you know."

"Harry I have went through this and plus I see the way you look at the one and only Cedric Diggory." Dean smirked.

"Shut up, but like actually I need help figuring this stuff out."

"Um well would you date a girl." Dean asked, Harry nodded. "How about a boy." Harry nodded. "So your most likely not gay like me and Lee, but there is other sexualities."

"Thanks but that wasn't the biggest help."

"You should talk to your dad because he knows about this stuff and might be able to help you." Harry nodded and Dean left. Once he was out of the room Harry called James, who sounded stressed.

James: Hey Harry what's up?

Harry: You okay Dad? You sound stressed

James: Just a lot going on I guess. How have you been lately

Harry: Dad you have been like this for the last year. What is wrong

James: I need to tell you something important that I have never told you before. Can you meet me at the coffee shop in the villiage by Hogwarts on Saturday.

Harry: Ya but dad I-

James hung up. Harry buried his head in his pillow, annoyed. I guess I will have to tell him later. Cedric came in the room.

"You alright Specky?" Harry laughed, that was Cedrics favorite nickname to call him.

"Yeah just family stuff." Cedric nodded, knowing not to ask further questions considering Harry's boundaries.   

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