Chapter 7: Sick Day

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October 26th, 1994

It was around 3 am when Harry woke up. He had to throw up so he quickly ran into the Bathroom. A couple seconds later Cedric walked in.

"You okay Harry?" Cedric asked, squatting down in front of him. He felt his forehead. "Holy shit Harry. You definitely have a fever."

"I know. Shit Hold on." He threw up again, Cedric cringed. "Can you please stay in here. I don't want to be alone right now."

"I was planning on staying. I can take off classes today and have Dean do my work if you want?"

"You would do that." Harry asked.

Cedric nodded. "Of course I would. Plus you need someone to take care of you and the nurse will just send you home."

Harry smiled. "Thanks Ced, I would hug you right now, but I don't want to get you sick."

"I could care less. Get over here." Cedric embraced him in a big hug. In Harry's opinion, Cedric was the best hugger. They just basically sat in the bathroom for the next couple hours until everyone woke up.

"Why do I have to be the one to do your work!!" Dean complained.

"Cause you are the second smartest. I don't want one of those three Dummy's doing my homework." He pointed at Ron, Seamus, and Neville.

"I am deeply offended." Seamus gasped.

"We're just messing around idiot." Dean said, kissing Seamus's forehead. Seamus's eyes widened and Dean cursed under his breath.

"Huh?" Neville stated, very confused.

"Okay we are dating. Let's get to class now." Dean confessed. There was a awkward silence that was interrupted by the sound of someone puking.

"I should get back to the sick one now." Cedric walked back into the bathroom. "Hey I'm back. How are you doing?"

"Better but I still feel like shit. I think I'm done throwing up now though."

Cedric nodded and helped him up. Harry walked over to his bed and sat down, Cedric sat down next to him. Harry slid under his blankets.

"Do you want to watch a movie because I can play a movie on my phone?" Cedric asked, looking at Harry who looked very cute curled up under the many blankets.

"I guess. High School Musical 2 please."


Cedric put the movie on his phone and then turned to look at Harry.

"How do you manage to look cute even when you are sick?" Cedric asked without thinking.

Harry blushed. "I don't know." They sat there in a awkward silence. Cedric had just realized what he said, he quietly cursed to himself. He had liked Harry for around a year and had known he was Pansexual since he was 12. However this year things had been weird between Harry and Cedric and Cedric was finding it harder to hide his feelings for Harry.

"Ced I'm cold." Harry said, ending the awkward silence."

"Specky you are under 4 blankets." Cedric sighed. "I don't have any more blankets, sorry."

"Okay." Harry frowned. For some reason he moved closer to Cedric.

Cedric smiled at him awkwardly. Harry put his head on Cedrics shoulder and Cedric hesitated, but put his arm around Harry's shoulders.

Cedric doesn't remember when Harry fell asleep but he did and eventually he did too. Later that day Ron, Seamus, Neville, and Dean came back well Harry and Cedric were still asleep.

"Aww look at them." Neville pointed to the two boys.

"Harry likes him." Dean said.

"Really?! Cedric also told me he likes Harry." Ron said.

"Hopefully they get together soon!!" Seamus stated.

"Yes but the problem is that there both closeted and Harry doesn't even know what his sexuality is yet." Dean said.

"How about if they don't get together soon we will help them okay?" Ron asked.

"Deal, but only if they are ready to come out." Dean replied. They all nodded.

Meanwhile at Rita Skeeters house...

Rita had apologized for putting that much information in and had been at great help to James and Sirius all month. If James was being honest, once you get to know her she isn't that bad.

"James I'm literally typing the same thing I have been for the last month and a half." Sirius complained. "This isn't getting us anywhere." James rolled his eyes.

"James I'm afraid he is right. If we don't get more people on our side we will stay in this exact spot." Snape stated.

"They are right James. As someone who has been writing for the paper for awhile some people are luckier than others when it comes to this stuff." Rita added.

"Fine!! You all can give up but I'm not!! I could care less of what you guys think is possible because I'm not going to stop trying until things are the way they should be!! He was a amazing and brave person who deserves justice." James yelled. Snape was the first to realize he was about to burst into tears.

"Guys we should call it a day. Sirius can you help clean up with Rita because I want to talk to James alone." Sirius nodded.

James and Snape walked out of Rita's office and into the living room. "You love him a lot more than I thought you do."

James nodded and burst into tears. "This is all so stressful. My son is already going through the same problems I did, my husband basically doesn't trust me anymore, and I'm trying my best to get justice for the man I love and literally can't get over."

"Take breath James. You don't have a easy life, it is completely okay to have breakdowns like this and sometimes you just need someone to vent to."

James nodded and Sirius walked in. "James you okay?" Sirius said wrapping his arms around a crying James, who shook his head.


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