Eight: Callum

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Time seemed to fly by. Natalie returned from her trip and filming resumed on our reality show, which meant the shop was more packed than it usually was. Camera crews, a producer, grips... whomever else they thought they needed.  I hated this shit. I would give anything to stop with the tv stuff, but we had contract. Three more seasons, which equated to at least two more years. I could deal with it until then even if it stressed me out and made me gruffer than I already was. That's what Bolt told me anyway. Could always count on that guy to keep me in check. When my attitude really sucked he'd send me into my office and handle things on his own. I was fairly certain he'd fire me if he could. Good thing my name was the one on all the paperwork. However, despite my annoyance at the current state of my job, at home there was a bright spot, and it was Kady.

After the night at Tinners, things seemed to relax between us. I ended Jase's suspension, so she'd stop into the shop fairly regularly. He was working on a giant thigh piece for her, so she'd stop in when he had down time and could work on it. She always came bearing gifts: coffee, snacks, things for Gia. We were getting along, and it felt good. It felt REALLY good. We hadn't hung out alone yet, but that was probably for the best. We were taking it easy, allowing our friendship to redevelop. I knew if I got her alone those lines would quickly blur, or at least they would for me, considering I could hardly look at her without my dick trying to punch out my pants. The bastard knew what he wanted, that was for damn sure. I momentarily thought about joining one of those apps and finding a quick hookup. Hell, Bolt was ready and willing to introduce me to anything with a pair of tits and no wedding ring that walked into the shop, but I knew it wouldn't work. Kady was far from out of my system and anyone else would just be a disappointing placeholder. Not to mention, I wasn't looking to ruin what we had going. If there was any hope of us being together, me hooking up with random people would surely turn her off. But I was also not willing to jeopardize the current ease of things, so Mr. Happy was going to have to wait, even though he was already sick of my hand. For how long? That I couldn't say. I didn't even know if she still saw me like that and I wasn't ready to ask.

My daughter, however, was the one truly winning in this situation. She and Kady were practically inseparable. She picked up Gia from school or dance class when I couldn't get out of the shop. Even Natalie had her helping out. I hadn't had a chance to talk to my ex-wife about why they were suddenly pals, but I didn't particularly want to shake things too much. If they were getting along, and everyone was happy, I was fine. I was more than fine. Gia, Nat and Kady all happy and coexisting? Yeah, I could definitely get on board with that.

About three weeks after Kady and I made peace, it was Bolt's birthday. Bolt did his birthday just like he did everything else in his life: big. And he decided since he was turning the big three-two (I had zero idea why that age was particularly relevant), he decided we all needed to spend the weekend in Vegas. Most of the staff at the shop were invited, along with their partners, and of course Kady and Amber. I was a bit nervous. I mean, it's Vegas. Endless amounts of booze and bars, clubs and debauchery. I was going to have to figure out some way to keep a level head and I wasn't sure I was up to the task.

"You'll be fiiiiiine," Bolt insisted with a dismissive wave.

"You seem pretty sure of that."

"What exactly are you worried about? You and Kay are getting along great. Isn't she at your house with Gia right now?"

"Yeah, things are good right now..." I said with a shrug.

"So, what's the deal? Why are all the gears in that pretty little head turning a mile a minute?" As I gulped and searched for the right words, Bolt's eyes suddenly went wide. "Oh my God. You're worried you won't be able to keep it in your pants."

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