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Mina's POV:
Helping two lovesick girls is not for the weak. It feels like watching one of those romance shows on TV.
I was between a rock and a hard place. Momo and Jirou were head-over-heels for each other, but both thought the other hated them.
I wanted to help them work it out, but it would feel like a betrayal of trust. What was I to do?
I tried to help them stop sobbing, like only I knew how to do. I don't mean to brag, but I'm kind of the mom of Class 1-A.
I knew they could work it out. Both were very smart girls, and they'd eventually figure it out.
But I'm the mean time, it was painful to watch.

After the tea was ready, I brought it to Momo. She was asleep, so I set it on her nightstand. To ensure her comfort, I tucked her into the blanket.
I sat downstairs and pondered. I could bring tea to Jirou, but it might make her think about Momo and feel worse.
After a minute, I decided I could just use the water to make Jirou some hot cocoa.
I carefully walked up to my room to prevent the tea from spilling. Unlike Momo, Jirou was wide awake. I handed her the cocoa, and she thanked me. I wished her well, and left to ponder over what to do next.

A/N: sorry the chapter is so short! But I wanted to make a Chapter for Mina's POV and this was all I had to say for that.

Musical Love: A MomoJirou FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now