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It was a few days after the final fight with the BITD. The benders went back to a "normal" training schedule. Normal being that they would only train a couple days out of the week, and their trainers could no longer show them what to do, they could just explain.

But on the bright side, everything was normal, and they could continue slightly normal lives. Kyle decided to leave the facility to go back home, because he said he was too far behind to actually learn how to bend fire well. And the other benders stayed at the facility because they wanted to learn more.

One morning when Rage was actually one of the first ones up, he tripped over something that was in front of the guys' dorm. Once he got up off the floor, he looked to see what he tripped on.

There were four boxes, each saying "fragile" and one of the guys' names. Rage just took his box in, and found a knife in the kitchen to open it. As soon as he opened it, he may have screamed a little.

"Shut up, Rage." Fluke said from under his blankets.

"No! You don't understand!! Now get up and get ready! I need to set some things up...." Rage then began to mumble to himself.

Fluke scrapped himself out from his bed, and looked at Rage setting up a computer.

"Where did you get that!?" Fluke shouted, waking Hollow and Evanz up.

"Um, the place where I bought it. Sheesh where do you think I got my computer." Rage commented.


"Well, yeah. I wasn't going to grab one of yours'."

By this point, Hollow went to get the other boxes that were outside. The only reason he noticed them was because Rage left the door open.

While Hollow, gave the other their computers, Rage darted out of the room. He then went to make his way to the girls' dorm, but he stopped when he saw the three girls staring at him. Instead of saying anything, the girls went to head to the mess hall to get some food.

Before they could leave, Rage asked, "I think I left something of mine in your room, can I get it?"

"Um, sure. Just don't break anything." Jessica said, as she left to catch up with Morgan and Richelle.

Rage then darted into their room, and instantly went to the Wii U. He then carefully unplugged it, and took it, along with all the games, to his dorm.

Once he arrived back at his dorm, the other guys just stared at him, as he began to hook up the game to their television.

"What are you doing now?" Evanz asked, as he was eating breakfast.

"Setting this up. What does it look like?" Rage replied.

"I think he meant, what do you plan on doing with it once you have it set up." Hollow clarified.

"Oh, well. It's the Wii-kend. And we haven't streamed for a while. We might as well let the fans know we all didn't just die." Rage explained.

After about half an hour, Rage had everything set up for the stream. All he had left to do was to start streaming. And start streaming was what he did.

After about ten minutes of fixing things for the viewers, Rage began to explain why they haven't uploaded any videos in a while.

"Okay guys. So what happened was that all four of us were given this chance to go on this awesome trip, and well we accepted. But once we got there, we found out there was no way to record, or tell you guys what was going on.." Rage lied/explained.

"So we figured that we would all have a Wii-kend stream for you, and look, Evanz decided to join us. Mainly because he had no choice, he lives here now." Fluke said.

"Yeah... the trip allowed us to live together now... So we took it." Hollow added.

So after that, the guys started to play some Mario Kart. But once they got bored of that, they switched to Super Smash Bros.

They were about halfway into a fight, when the door to their dorm slammed open.

"You took my Wii U?!" Jessica shouted.

Rage quickly paused the game, and Fluke told the viewers that this was going to get interesting.

"I didn't take it.... I simply borrowed it for a stream." Rage said, with a smirk.

"I DON'T CARE WHY YOU TOOK IT!!!" Jessica shouted, making her point quite clear.

"Well you can always join in, I'm sure the viewers wouldn't mind, they know who you are."

"Um Rage." Fluke said, "They don't know what she is, I didn't post that video of us playing video games a little while ago."

"Oh.." Rage responded, "But you can sit by Evanz!"

Evanz looked at Rage in shock, and said to him, "Don't you dare go there!"

At this point the viewers were so confused, they didn't even know what to expect next.

"But the fans must know!"

"No! They don't!"

"Before anything happens. I am leaving. If you break my Wii U, I will set fire to your beds while you sleep." Jessica threatened as she stormed off.

"Aww... Evanz you better go-" Rage began to say, but was cut off by Evanz.


After that interruption the guys went back to their stream. The viewers never were quite told what was going on, but Fluke kept throwing them little hints, and a decent amount began to get it.

After a little while the girls, minus Jessica came in. Morgan began to bug them to let her play too, and Richelle just waited patiently for Morgan to win. Once the guys caved and let them play too, Jessica came in, and they tossed her a controller without her even saying anything. The group played video games all the way until late that evening.

Once that was all over, the guys went to their normal recording schedules, well sort of normal, they had to adjust it to fit their training. So they started their normal lives, and the girls were given heart-breaking news.

They were told that they would have to attend school here. Of course it would only be them, but they had to go through school, that way they could get a diploma, and be able to live normal lives if/when they leave the island.

So the girls stayed in touch with their families and friends, telling them that they would be attending school where they were at. And that that could get a job there too. They promised that they would stay connected with them.

So life was normal for the benders, well, as normal as it could get for benders. And there were no signs of the BITD, so they were at least given peace from that.

But for how long will this peace last?


That's it. Crew Bending is over. I thank you all for reading this. Just, thank you so much. I will upload a Q&A a few minutes after this. Which I recommend reading, because there may be a little surprise question and answer that I'm hoping you will enjoy. (*cough* last question *cough*). And if I didn't answer a question you may have had, but didn't get to tell me, don't worry, I'll update that part for each new question I get. :D

Thank you all so much, again. You all deserve cookies, and a cake made in your honor, and stuff.

THANKS YET AGAIN!!! Ahhh goooodbyeeee [?]

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