Q&A including an About the Author

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**(Questions and answers will be added whenever I receive them)**

Question: Why did you write this story?

Answer: Well, I guess you could say it was because there was a Blood Moon a couple of days before I started this story. Then I asked my friend "what would you do if the Blood Moon gave you an element from Avatar?" Her answer somehow progressed into a rant involving the Crew. And then it became a Fanfiction. Plus I kinda want to do something for the Crew, after watching their videos for I think almost 3 years now.

Question: Why did the guys receive the bending they did?

Answer: I figured I would give them the type of bending they would want in real life, or at least Rage and Hollow. Rage would have wanted Earth bending and Hollow would have wanted Fire. Fluke and Evanz, I wasn't too sure what to give them, so I figured I would make air bending rare, and give them both water bending.

Question: Why did the people receive the talents they did?

Answer: Rage (the Blind-Bender): I couldn't think of a talent to give him after I gave Richelle hers, but I eventually came up with him being like Toph because his eyesight is the worst of the Crew (Sorry Rage). Richelle (the Metal-Bender): I wanted to give her a strong talent, so she could troll Rage with it, and metal bending was the answer. Hollow (the Lightning-Bender): Since I made it clear that he was a better bender that Jessica, I wanted to give him the strong Lightning talent. Jessica (the Mind-Bender): she was the only one that didn't have anything, so I eventually came up with being able to summon fire with her mind. Fluke (the Blood-Bender): he seemed like the one who would be able to control people. And I needed a blood bender when I was coming up with that stuff. Morgan (the Healer): I figured that she seems like a person that would be a healer, there totally wasn't any other reason ;). Evanz (the Avatar): at first he was going to have nothing, because, well I ran out of special talents. Then I decided that no! He cannot be a dud, and thus I made him the Avatar.

Question: If you could be a character in the story, which one would you be?

Answer: Um... Probably, Jessica. Mainly because she is me, and well I couldn't think of non-real people to add, so I added me and my two friends, Morgan and Richelle.

Question: Will there be a sequel?

Answer: HOW DID YOU KNOW!? But yeah. I didn't plan on having a sequel, but something popped into my head, and I just HAD to make a continuation of this story. (Plus, I loved writing this story, even though I am not the best writer.)


Mythical_Being, whom you may call, Being, Myth, Jessica, or her nickname if you can guess, (HINT: is one of the names from the members of the Crew) is a very shy, and socially awkward teenage girl. She currently resides in PA (too lazy to spell it out), which is a state around the northern part of the US (in case you were unsure :P). She has been watching the Crews' videos for nearly 3 years, meaning she concerns her friends with quotes on a daily basis. She has an extreme addiction to Pokémon, the Legend of Zelda, and any video game she can get a hold of. She has her little angry chihuahua that hates most people, especially her one best friend. She also loves to draw, (even though she needs references for people) and now she loves to write (even though she'll admit she isn't the best).

~The photo in the media section, was drawn by me, and is well me. That way you can get a hint on what I look like :P (It's a good thing I have glasses or I would have failed at drawing/painting it) (Fun Fact: I do have a RageGaming themed beanie, and I dressed up as a crazy fan-girl for Halloween)~

Okay guys. That's everything. Meaning Crew Bending is officially over. But don't worry, there will be a sequel, and I will tell you all when it gets made. :) Thank you all for reading! (25 parts total. Why does that make me so happy?) Ahh gooodbyeeeeee [?]

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