You were sitting in the living room sipping on your (drink of choice). It was the morning before the party Jack had invited you to and she was still asleep. Jack said that her sugar daddy was gonna take you two out to lunch then to his house to change. You had decided to be proactive and packed everything you both needed. You got dressed in one of your favorite fashionable outfits and are now watching the news. Honestly you weren't really watching it. You were reading an article about Lucifer on your phone. You wanted to avoid an annoying situation so you decided you would avoid him but you were also debating whether or not you wanted to try for more job opportunities. You enjoyed performances, singing, dancing, acting. Hell anything to do with art you loved to surround yourself with. But putting yourself out there at such a big event might attract an excess of unwanted attention. You figured you ought to decide what times were appropriate when you were there. Looking at the clock you notice that it's 11. That guy is coming at 11:30 and Jack still isn't up. Not wanting to miss a free lunch you go and wake up Jack so she can get dressed in time.
A/N: short chapter!! We will meet an overlord next chapter!