Chapter Twelve

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My body aches

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My body aches. I slowly open my eyes to bright lights. I groan in pain as I make my way to a seated position taking in my surroundings. The room was white and I could make out machines and things around me.

"A hospital?"

I said out loud. The door to the room then opened and in walked in a man in a white coat and another man dressed in a detective uniform.

"Hello. Good to see you awake."

The doctor said and he and the detective made their way to my bedside.

"How did I get here? I was on the street.."

"A hero found you and got you help. You're lucky too. He got to you just in time."

I nod. It doesn't feel great knowing a hero rescued me. Least I'm alive..though maybe I'd rather not be. I'll probably just go to jail now and I'm without Izuku. He doesn't want me.

"We have a couple questions for you.."

The detective says pulling out a electronic pad.



"We're you or we're you not the villain "Doll" who worked along side Deku?"

Guess they have heard of me. I haven't really done much to put my name out there. I'm probably a low class villain at most, but guess I'm somewhat valuable sense I was with Deku.

"That's me."

"How old are you?"

The detective goes on to ask.

"I'm 16."

He types away on his pad.

"Is she good to go doctor?"

The detective asks him.


"Will take care of it from here."

The doctor nods and then leaves. As he opens the door police men walk in the room.

"I'm detective Naomasa Tsukauchi. Hawado you are under arrest."

The police men come and clasps cuffs around my wrist and slowly help me out of bed. It hurts to stand but with the police officers help I'm able to walk as the direct me out the room.

We make it to the police car and they put me in the back. I feel numb. I don't care anymore. Prison is nothing compared to what I feel right now. Betrayal? Heartbreak? Sadness? Fear? I've never killed anyone. I might have hurt people, but I've never killed anyone. I'm a little crazy and followed Deku around like a lost puppy, but I'm being sentenced to prison or a asylum for villains I'm sure. We can't be trusted...

I don't remember when I fell asleep but I guess I did because a police officer woke me up to tell me we had arrived.

The detective waits for us as the police officer escorts me to the front door of the large building.

"Welcome to the rehabilitation unit for unstable individuals, otherwise known as R.U.U.I. Looking at your records and how young you are this is what's best for you so hopefully you can change before it's too late."

I roll my eyes as the officer shuffles me forward into the building. We walk through various halls till we stop in front of large doors. We walk through to reveal a large room full of women. The room was filled with tables the women sat at eating.

The officer directs my attention away from them towards a desk in the room.

"A new patient for you..Y/n L/n."

The officer tells the lady at the desk.

"Yes. Thank you. I'll take her from here."

The officer then turns me around undoing the cuffs around my wrist and makes his way back the way we came.

"Hello dear."

The lady says attracting my attention.

"If you'll follow me."

She begins to walk and I follow her towards a opening in the room that led to a long hall. We walked past more woman on the way. Some dressed like nurses others clearly patients. All stared at me as I passed.

Me and the nurse from the desk stop at a door. She opens it to reveal a small room with a bed, desk, and closet.

"This is your room. Clothes for you to wear are in the closet. Bathrooms are at the end of the hall and we're we just came from was the common room where you will eat and can gather with the other ladies here. We also have classes in the common room you will attend."


I simply say.

"If you need anything I'm Nurse names quite hard to say."

She gives me a smile then walks off. I watch her leave then quickly make my way into my room. I close the door and sink down to the floor. My body still aches from my wound but my heart hurt far worse. That was the only pain I felt as I screamed out in frustration. Tears escape from my eyes as I balled up into a ball and just cried.

 Tears escape from my eyes as I balled up into a ball and just cried

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