Strange Text Message

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The New Directions were crowded around in Blaine's room gossiping and such when each one of their phones went off. They all glanced at each other.

"What the hell was that? A mass text?" Finn asked as he pulled out his phone to check what it was.

"It's from that Meerkat..." Kurt said in disgust.

"What? Sebastian?" Blaine asked curiously, pulling out his own phone and checking the message as he had gotten one as well.

'New Directions, I need to apologize to you all. Please meet me at the old theater on Raimond Road. From, Sebastian Smythe.'

Quinn scoffed, "Does he really think we're just gonna get up and go? I mean, he hurt Blaine." She pointed out.

"I'm kind of curious about what he has to say," Blaine commented. Everyone in the room couldn't help but stare at him.

"Excuse me?" Kurt asked in shock. "Sebastian injured you! You haven't even recovered from the surgery yet!" He said to his boyfriend in an attempt to talk some sense into him.

"Shouldn't we at least go?" Blaine asked them. Puck added, "We'll get to punch him in the face."

"What are we waiting for?" Santana asked, "Let's go."

Finn let out a sigh as his girlfriend dragged him out of the room. Soon, the only ones left in the room were Kurt and Blaine.

Blaine stared at his boyfriend. Kurt stared back with no expression visible on his face. Then, he began to smile. "How could anyone say no to that face?" Kurt asked, standing up and holding his hand out for Blaine to take.

Blaine smiled as well and took Kurt's hand, being led out of the room by Kurt.


Meanwhile, the Warblers had just taken a break from practicing a few songs. The room was oddly quiet due to an argument going on between them. Some of them, just a few, wanted to kick Sebastian out of the Warblers, while the others wanted him to stay.

Sebastian, on the other hand, was still upset after what happened with Blaine and the slushie. He felt like he deserved to be kicked out, especially after everything he had done. Suddenly, his phone went off, followed by another and another.

Sebastian and everyone else pulled out their phones and checked the message they had received.

'Dear Warblers, we would like to discuss what happened with Blaine. Please meet us at the old theater on Raimond Road. From, The New Directions.'

Sebastian looked up from his phone at the same time as everyone else. "What do we do?" Jeff asked everyone in the room.

"Isn't it obvious?" Sebastian asked.

"We run away from them like you made us do before?" One of the warblers, Jim, asked giving Sebastian a look.

Sebastian's facade faltered, and for a moment, he looked genuinely upset. "No." He answered, his face returning to its annoyed expression. "We'll go there, obviously." He told them as he stood up from the chair he was leaning against.

"Let's go," He said as he led them out of the practice room.


The New Directions arrived at the theater and looked around, "Were we stood up?" Kurt asked, "I feel like we were just stood up."

"Did he lie to us?" Rachel asked in anger, "Wait, what if it wasn't him?" Blaine asked, making everyone turn to look at him.

"Think about it. The message came from an unknown number." Blaine pointed out.

"So what?" Puck questioned, "none of us have his number." Rory added.

"Wait..." Kurt trailed off, turning to look at Blaine. "I do.." Blaine told them.

The girls instantly got nervous and stood by the partner. "I can't die yet!" Brittany called out, "I haven't fed Lord Tubbington yet!"

"We're not gonna die. Calm down," Finn told the girls, specifically the ones having a mental breakdown.

"What the hell?" Sebastian asked, walking over to them.

A few of the girls screamed in fear and hugged their partners.

"Why are you freaking out? You guys invited us here." Nick pointed out what he believed to be true.

"No, we didn't," Rachel denied after awkwardly moving away from Finn. "Why would we call you here, Andrew Mcarthy?" Santana asked Sebastian specifically.

"Was it from an unknown number?" Kurt asked. Jeff nodded, "Yeah."

Suddenly the same girls began freaking out again. "We're all gonna die!" Tina cried out.

The boys and the few calm girls watched them with a straight face. Then, the lights went out.

"What the hell?" Puck called out.

"Oh my God, Oh my God!" Tina screamed.

The girl's voices turned into incoherent screaming after a second.

"What's going on?" Santana asked, trying to ignore the screams.

"Ow! What the hell?!" Sebastian's voice echoed, "When did that get there?"

The lights turned back on, and the screaming died down.

"Weren't we just in that old theater?" Trent asked nervously.

"Yeah, this one seems..." Jim began.

"Newer." Thad finished.

"How did that even happen?" Rachel questioned.

"Are we dead?" Brittany asked. "No, Brit. We're not dead." Santana told her girlfriend. "At least I don't think so..." Santana muttered.

Mercedes then noticed a paper on the ground and picked it up. Her eyes widened for a moment before she looked at the others who were now looking at her. "What's it say?" Artie asked.

"It says 'greetings, New Directions, and Warblers, today you have the opportunity to watch certain things about a person in the room right now. Please, be seated as one of you turn on the TV to watch the magic happen.'" Mercedes read.

"Wait, what?" Puck asked, taking the paper and reading it for himself.

"Should we do what it says?" Trent questioned.

"The faster we do it, the quicker we leave," Rory pointed out.

After a moment or so of discussion, everyone sat down as Mercedes pressed the on button on the TV. Right as she pressed it, Will and Sue appeared, after learning what was going on. They sat down as well. Then, the TV lit up, seeming to enlarge as it did.




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