Kurt & Sebastian Edit

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[Kurt and Sebastian are sitting in the Lima Bean.]

Kurt shot a look towards the screen, of course it would be about him and that damn Meerkat. But, he didn't have any secrets. Not one he'd really care for hiding, at least.

"Great, we're gonna be looking at the Meerkat." Kurt scoffed lightly.

"You've gotta be kidding," Santana complained.

"Why are we watching him?" Rachel asked in annoyance.

"Clearly they like me more," Sebastian teased.

"Or you have a secret," Finn countered. "That's what they said, at least." He added.

Sebastian tensed for a moment, then he rolled his eyes. "The only things I don't tell people about are my nights at Scandals," he said.

Santana gagged.

Kurt: I don't like you.

Sebastian: Fun, I don't like you either.

Jeff frowned slightly, he'd always hated the way Sebastian acted towards Kurt and Blaine.

[The screen turns to a while screen with words in pink, "Kurt + Sebastian i don't like you"]

[Kurt turns to Sebastian.]

Sebastian: Well, well, well. If it isn't an old Betty White.

Sebastian snorted.

"That wasn't even that funny," Quinn rolled her eyes.

Kurt [To Rachel]: We can't come here anymore.

[Kurt is shown looking somewhere.]

[Sebastian is sitting down.]

[Sebastian is looking at someone, and he winks.]

Sebastian: Oh hey, Kurt. I didn't recognize you, you are wearing boy clothes, for once.

"Rude," Mercedes rolled her eyes.

"Sebastian," Thad frowned in his direction.

Sebastian gave a shrug in response, "not my fault he always wears things equivalent to tutus," he said.

"It's also none of your business, how would you like someone shit-talking what you wear?" Warbler Jim asked.

Sebastian didn't respond verbally. He merely rolled his eyes.

[More scenes go by of Kurt looking towards Sebastian.]

Kurt: Pleasure.

[In the Lima Bean, Kurt is seen complaining.]

Kurt: Does he live here, or something? Seriously, you are always here.

"Why do you drive two hours?" Nick suddenly asked, looking towards Sebastian.

"What?" He asked.

"Lima's like two hours away from Westerville," he pointed out. "We have a type of coffee shop at Dalton," he added.

"Dalton's coffee tastes like shit," Sebastian shrugged.

"Don't they give you Courvoisier in your coffee?" Trent asked.

"Yes, that is also a plus." Sebastian nodded.

[Sebastian is apologizing.]

Sebastian: Blaine, I am sorry about your eye.

"Whoa, what?!" Santana jumped up.

Sebastian's brows furrowed. "Why the hell would I apologize?" He asked in confusion.

"No way," Rachel gaped at the screen.

"I'm surprised you didn't just blame Blaine," Jim scoffed.

"Why the fuck would I blame Blaine?" Sebastian asked, shooting Jim an annoyed look.

"Because you're a rich snob? None of them can take accountability for their actions." Jim shrugged.

Sebastian scoffed, "Oh, no. It was definitely my fault." He said, much to the shock of those in the room.

Kurt: Wait for the punch, you know it's coming.

[At Scandals, Kurt watches as Sebastian and Blaine dance.]

[Sebastian during the uptown girl performance.]

[Kurt watching someone off camera, I'm fully aware this is a Kurtbastian edit but eh.]

[Kurt and Sebastian at the Lima Bean.]

Kurt: You smell like craigslist.

"Okay, look." Sebastian turned to Kurt. "I've been meaning to ask," he started. "What the hell does Craigslist smell like?" He asked.

Kurt flushed and didn't respond, which made Sebastian laugh lightly.

[Sebastian laughs awkwardly as the scene changes to the two looking at each other.]

[Sebastian is shown dancing at the club. With Kurt.]

[At the Lima Bean]

Kurt: I don't like your (im sorry idk this word 💀) CW hair. I'm onto you.

[The camera pans to Sebastian, with the word, *sweats* in frame.]

Sebastian raised a brow.

Kurt: [Slowed] I'm onto you.

[Beside Sebastian, it says, "Sweats in Barry Allen."]

"Barry Allen?" Puck repeated.

"Who's that?" Santana asked.

Sebastian tensed up. You have gotta be kidding me, he thought to himself.

"Ex boyfriend?" Blaine guessed, looking towards Sebastian.

"Not at all," Sebastian shook his head.

Blaine: [With record scratch] What are you guys talking about?

Sebastian: Duh, the next time we're going out drinking!

"Okay, but why the hell did Andrew McCarthy over there apologize?" Santana asked in annoyance.

"Yeah, I'm kinda curious about that, too." Artie agreed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2023 ⏰

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