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"HURRY UP! DON'T MAKE ME ANGRY AGAIN!" the man that just brought me yells in my face making my face scrunch up with the dreadful smell of his breath.

"You smell like a dirty horse and you look disgusting!" I yell back in the man's face before hitting him in his fat belly with my elbow.

I see this moment as my chance to escape and without even thinking I run in the middle of the road not paying attention to anything around me just happy to be somewhat free from that terrible man.

I hear the distant sound of horses and the sounds become louder and louder as well as the dirty man's who brought me yelling for me to come back and when he'd catch me i'd be dead.

I try to ignore all the busy sounds around me and focus on running away but soon enough the man does catch up to me and at that moment I feel as if death has walked through me but suddenly the sounds of horses that I had thought I was just hallucinating stops.

And just as I look up to see what it is the disgusting man yanks my arm and pulls me closer to me and just as he was about to open his mouth and let out his nasty breath an elegant carriage stops in front of us and the door swings open revealing a well-dressed man and even though I can't completely see inside of the carriage I can tell that there are other people in there.

"How much for the girl?" The well-dressed man speaks says making my eyes widen and the nasty man with the nasty breath chuckle.

"She's not for sale, " the man says with his face inching closer towards mine, "she's going to be my bride, " the man reveals with a crooked smirk

I gag in disgust and push the man's face away from mines.

"I'm offering 60 gold pieces for the girl, " the well-dressed man speaks up with annoyance in the way he speaks.

The nasty man chuckles once more letting his gross smelling breath out,
"She's not obedient and she tried to run away from me so I don't think you'll like her much, " he says trying to make me seem like a bad person when he's the one who smells like a dying horse.

The well-dressed man groans and rubs his temples, "120 gold pieces for the girl is my offer, take it or
leave it, " the well-dressed man impatiently.

The nasty man roughly lets my arm go and pushes me towards the carriage and holds out his hand waiting for the gold like the dirty pig he is.

The well-dressed man hands the last man the money and shoos him away and then pulls out a small dagger and grabs my wrists making me flinch.

"Don't worry hatun I won't hurt you, " he says kindly after noticing how tired and nervous I look.

He cuts the ropes that were around my wrist and helps me into the carriage where I see a beautiful woman dressed lavishly sitting with a kind smile on her face.

The well-dressed man bows to the woman before sitting down and gesturing for me to do the same.

I do an awkward bow and sit down next to the well-dressed man in front of the well-dressed women.

"Haci Agha she is beautiful, and she will be perfect for my son, but we must train her first before gifting her to my lion, " the well-dressed woman says.

The well-dressed man named Haci smiles towards the well-dressed woman.

"Do you want to send her to the old palace and train her there and then bring her to the palace Kosem Sultan?" Haci Agha says revealing the woman's name making my eyes widen.

The beautiful woman sitting in front of me is the Kosem Sultana that comes from the same land as me, the woman that everyone from our homeland praises.

Kosem seems to notice the shock on my face and turns her attention towards me with a kind and welcoming smile presented on her face.

"Hatun what's your name and where do you come from?" She asks making chills rush over my body and for my eyes to light up.

"M-my name i-i-is Florence and I am f-from Greece, the s-same homeland as you, " I say with a gentle smile on my face even though I stuttered through my words when sitting in front of the magnificent Kosem Sultana.

Kosem's smile widens with joy, "Haci Agha she is the perfect girl, we will train her in the old palace as you said, and then bring her to the palace when she is ready, " Kosem said smiling.

"My Sultana, who am I to be presented to? And why must I be trained?" I blurt out as my curiosity grabs the best of me.

Kosem's happy smile fades away and her face turns serious, "you are to be my son Murad's favorite, my son is the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire so he must have the best of the best so that's why we are training you before sending you off, " Kosem says with a devilish smirk plastered on her face.

My eyes widen with shock filling my body. "Me? A favorite to the Sultan?" I say not believing what I just heard.

"Yes, you, but first we must train you to become my son's dream woman so the weak women he has can go away forever and I can gain the respect of my son back, " Kosem says in a serious tone.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2021 ⏰

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