Agatha Harkness x Reader (cuz why not)

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A/n: I saw a thing on tiktok that said agatha the type of person to WRECK you in the bedroom and have the best aftercare, so we rolling w that 🕺🕴
Also i got really tired at the end so it's just a big ass paragraph. And she uses her real name, its before the hex
Warnings:  MAJOR Smut
Word count:1177
As I move into my new home in Westview, I notice a beautiful woman across the street, tending to her garden. She looks up from her purple Rose's and waves with an endearing smile. I can't help but smile back.

I finish moving in the boxes and decide to chill for a few. Right as I settle in to watch something on my phone I hear a knock at the door.

I get up and answer to find a breathtaking woman in a purple collared long sleeve shirt. "Hiya hon!" She says as she hands me a cute plant. I welcome her inside and tell her to sit down.

"What's your name, doll?" She asks. "O-oh my names Y/n!" I say as I get her a glass of water. "And yours?" I ask as I sit down next to her. "Agatha dear, lovely to meet you." She looks me up and down and I can't help but squirm under gaze.

"Would you happen to have anything stronger?" She asks. Getting up, I go into the kitchen and get some tequila.
"This better?" I ask as I set down on the coffee table. She nods and smirks as she looks at me. "What?" I ask, smiling. "Oh nothing, you're just gorgeous."she says as she pours herself a big glass of vodka. I blush aggressively.

I look at her in shock. "Your really gonna drink all that?" I ask. She nods and with a grin takes a drink. I decide to have a little myself.

About an hour later, we're chatting away, pretty drunk. "So do you have a boyfriend? Girlfriend?" She asks. I bkush at that last bit. "Nope no girlfriend here." I say as she rests her hand on my knee.

I begin to feel my entire body heating up from all the nerves being on edge. "U-um what do you want to do now?" I ask. She smirks once more and leans in to where our faces are centimeters apart. "This." She says as she kisses me passionately. I wrap my hands around her neck, kissing her back. She nips gently at my bottom lip, releasing a soft moan from the back of my throat. I pull away due to lack of oxygen. "I- why did you that?" I ask, my face still close to hers. "Couldnt help myself. Did you like it?" She asks with a smug look on her face. A smile begins to tug at the corner of my mouth. "Yes." I say kissing her once more. She proceeds to then straddle me, locking my legs in place. She cups my face as my hands find their way to her thighs. I grip her tightly, causing her to moan. "Wanna take this to the bedroom?" I ask. She nods and climbs off of me. I grab her wrist, leading her upstairs. Once we get in my room and close the door she pushes me against the wall. She looks at my shirt as if asking for permission so I nod. She grips my shirt off and kisses my neck. Soon enough, I'm standing there in only my undergarments. "Such a pretty sight." She whispers. Pointing the bed she demands "get on the bed. On your back." She walks over to me and takes her shirt off. Crawling up to me she kisses my lips once more. That intoxicating smell of Rose's, invades my nostrils. "You want to do this?" She asks, her face buried in my neck. "I need this." I say with my hand in her hair. "I need you." I say as she kisses my neck. She begins to suck on my pulse point, sending me over the edge. I began to moan loudly as she worked her way down me, past my collar bone and stomach before ripping my panties off. "No cumming til I say." She says as she inserts two digits into me. Mercilessly pounding her fingers in and out of me she adds another one. "A-ahhh God Agatha! I can't!" I scream as I grip the sheets. "Yes you can dear." She latches her mouth on to my clit. "Ohhh God!" I scream as my hands find their way into her hair. She curls her fingers over and over, hitting my g-spot with each thrust. She pulls away from me and crawls up to, still thrusting in and out. "You can cum now." She says and with one final thrust I come undone all over her. "I'm not done yet love." She says with a smirk. She undoes her pants and crawls on top one of me. Quite literally ripping off her panties she throws them on the floor, to be found in the morning. "They were ruined anyway." She says with a smile, causing me to giggle a little. She straddles herself onto me and begins rocking back and forth. "Fuck Y/n." She says underbreath. She leans forward and starts kissing my neck, her hands searching for my own. She interlaces our hands and begins rocking even harder. "Fuck Aggs!" I scream. I release my hands from hers and grab her ass, grinding her against me in fast circular motion. "Ooh! God!" She bites her lip to stop the moans. "I'm close! I'm so close!" She screams. I release all over her. "Agatha!" I scream. That mixed with the moans and my release, pushed her over the edge. She slumps over my shoulder. "Fuck that was amazing." She whispers. I look over and start kissing her neck, interlacing my hands with hers once again. She sits back up and flops over on the other side of the bed. "Bath?" She asks. I nod. I go to stand up but realise the ability to walk had left me. She laughs as she walks around the side of the bed and lifts me up, helping me to the bathroom. She starts the water and helps me in. I had my hair up in a messy bun as I got in. She lays behind me, my head pushed into her chest. She begins to trace unrecognizable patterns on my arm. She washes us both up and gets us out. I'm already on the verge of falling asleep by the time I get into bed. I'm wearing some booty shorts and a bra. I offer one of my oversized t-shirts but she refuses and slips back into her other clothes. Although she does use a pair of my shorts. She wraps me in her warm embrace and kisses the top of my head, still tracing those patterns on my arm as I fall back into a deep sleep.

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