Darcy x Reader

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As I'm washing the dishes, I l a knock on my door. I pull my hands out of the water, before drying them off and walking over to the door.

My bestfriend, Darcy is at my doorway, sobbing, and holding her face. "Hey.." I whisper before walking closer to her. She flinches as I wrap my arms around her. "Hey.. tell me what happened, its okay." I reassure.

"H-he.. i-.." She could barely form a sentence as she sobbed into my arms. I walk her inside and sit on the couch, sitting her next to me.

"Look at me, Darc." I whisper. She lifts her head up to look at me, tears streaming down her face. "Tell me what happened, honey." I say softly, wiping her tears. "H-he hit me, Y/n.." She whispers, moving her hand from her face to reveal a cut eyebrow and a black eye.

"Darc." I whisper, tucking a strand of hair behind her ears and fixing her glasses.

"C-can I stay here? Please?" She whispers in a small, pleading voice. My heart breaks as I see her look up at me with begging eyes.

"Yes, of course you can, angel." I answer back, smiling down at her softly. She hides her face in my neck and whimpers quietly. I pull her into my lap and wrap my arms around her. "It's okay, I got you.. you're safe now." I whisper into her ear.

She nods and bites her lip as tears continue to stream down her face. "Let me get your face cleaned up, Darc." I whisper as she wraps her arms around me and clings onto me.

I stand up and carry her to the kitchen, sitting her on the counter. I go to walk away but she clings onto me. "P-please, don't go." She pleads. I hug her, placing my hand on the back of her head and playing with her hair. 

"It's okay.." I whisper softly. "I got you." I kiss her cheek and lean over a bit to grab a cloth, running it under the water and leaning back a bit.

Taking the hairtie out of my messy bun, I pull her hair back into a loose ponytail, tying it up and kissing her forehead. "Its gonna sting a bit." I say before taking off her glasses and wiping the blood away from her cut.

She winces and closes her eyes. "I know honey, I'm sorry." I whisper. I finish cleaning the cut and she hugs me again.

I rub her back and stand in between her legs, just holding her and whispering soothing words. "Let's get you in some comfy clothes, and you can sleep in my bed." She nods and wipes her eyes.

"You can stay here, as long as you need." I offer. "Th-thank you, Y/n." She  says in a small voice. She sounds defeated, as if he beat the pride out of her.

She wraps her legs around my waist and I carry her upstairs. "Y/n, i-i need to tell you something." She whispers. I nod and lay her on the bed, sitting next to her and brushing the fly aways from her eyes.

"What is it, sweetie?" I say softly, the dim light from my lamp brushing against her face causing her deep blue eyes to glow.

She hesitates for a second before speaking in a quiet voice. "I.." I smile softly at her, resting my hand on her cheek. "I love you." She whispers. "I love you. Alot. I don't know when I started feeling this way toward you, but I love you." She says quickly, taking in a deep breath.

I lean down and whisper in her ear. "I love you too." I gently take her chin in my hand and kiss her, running my tongue along her bottom lip, asking for entrance. She gladly grants it and opens her lips, allowing me to explore mouth.

She moans softly as she props herself up on her elbow, pushing further onto me. "Mm.." I hum into her mouth, reaching my arm behind her back to hold her close to me.

Upon pulling away, shes breathless and so am I. She looks at me as I smirk softly. "You taste good." I husk as she blushes.

I gently undo the hairtie and kiss her again. "Come here." I whisper, patting my lap. She quickly crawls into my lap, straddling me. "Such a pretty girl." I whisper, grabbing her hips.

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