A few years later...

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It's been a few years since I was reborn, and everything has been going great so far.

Though we do age slower then I thought. Considering I've grown only a little bit over the last few years and my brother and dad don't even look like they have grown.

Wait do skeletons stop aging much after a certain time? I wondered with a curious look.

I can't ask yet since my vocals don't work, probably not developed enough or my magic isn't developed enough for it just yet.

I'm not sure which one, and good news! My dad hasn't fallen into the core at all. Nor have I had to reset.

Which, was great. Really, I don't want to reset unless it's absolutely Necessary, I do not want to end up depending on my reset button at all.

I save at least almost everyday, but only after I make sure my brother and father are here with me, to make sure their safe and sound.

Otherwise I would reset and make myself cry a lot to make the two stay with me the day they might not come back.

I let out a small hum, glancing around, well at least I can crawl now, it will take me some more time before I can walk.

But I got into every thing, I was a curious little shit, I almost chuckled, I remember how much my father and brother panicked when they couldn't find me.

I managed to crawl my way all the way to a countertop and opened some drawers and took some things out to play with as I was very bored.

Did I regret making them panic so much?  Just a little bit, but that's what happens when you take your eyes off me, let alone an actually really baby or babybones.

But they know better then to take their eye lights off me for even a second now. 'I've taught them well', I thought proudly.

They definitely know to keep their eye lights on a baby that can crawl, more so on just any babies that end up in their care.

Not like it would happen, but you'll never know. Something's could happen.

I sat in my crib, waiting for my brother to show up, usually I was asleep when they were gone for a bit. But them being gone doesn't last long as they have someone watch over me just long enough for father or my brother to get back and take over.

After all, they were responsible. Though father usually prefers to bring me with him to work, sometimes he doesn't have to worry about my safety.

But it's not like it's anything dangerous, he just works as the river person. I guess he's just worried if I'll somehow fall from his arms and into the water.

I don't really have to worry much about father falling into the core like this, but who knows.

It's good to be cautious, it never hurts to be ready for things that might not happen.

The door opened and I perked up, "hey bro."

Papyrus walked in and picked me up carefully.

I snuggled closer to my older brother, slightly giggling a little.

Papyrus smiled at me, "seems your happy to see me. So am I, today was a little tiring for school but it's fine."

I stared up at papyrus with a smile on my face, welp at least my brothers back now.

Now I just have to wait for father to get back. Oh I wonder when they will train me in magic? Or is that instinctive a little bit?

Hmm pretty sure they will help me learn when I'm old enough. I can wait. It's magic! Who wouldn't wait to learn how to use and control it.

Papyrus moved into the living room after grabbing a bottle and lifting it towards me.

I grabbed onto it and started drinking, pleased hum.

Papyrus just hummed a bit, "seems you might need to be eating a bit more soon. We will be starting with soft foods first when it's time. Your teeth are still a little sensitive."

I listened as I drank, hmm alright that's fine. Wait..I just realized something...if father didn't make me or papyrus...did we have a mom? Huh...because father isn't a scientist...as far as I know anyways..maybe he was back then?

Oh now I'm curious..I'll definitely have to ask father when I'm older.

This is just something I can't past up. I wonder if it happened in other universes or if this one was just unique depending..meh could be like the others or not. Who knows.

Maybe I'll find out eventually.

"-and then pops told me we can get some nice cream, while we waited a bit to get something-" I tuned into what papyrus was saying before tuning out of it.

Hmm I think father will be back soon...why am I saying father instead of dad? Meh. I'll switch between the two. But my first world will either be dad or papyrus or a nickname for papyrus. Depending on how much I can pronounce it.

I turned my head to look around as papyrus continued to talk, slightly bored now.

I'll check my states later. I decided with a small hum as I rested against my brother and listened back in again.

Finished with 901 words. I'm sorry this took me forever to update. I just didn't know what else to do with this story. 😅 well hope you like and comment what you think.

Ja ne~!

Explanation why sans is still only crawling- despite it being a few years, sans is still in the stage of a baby. Monster race age very slowly. More so skeletons monsters age a bit more slower. So like...by the time sans is like 50 in human age, he'll be like..idk like 4 or 5?? I don't do this so it's probably wrong but that's just to show you that they age slowly compared to humans let alone other monster types. They just age a bit more slower then other monsters. By some years or so for them. Etc.

Sorry if it didn't make any sense but at least I tried explaining a bit.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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