A few days later...

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It's been a few days since then and I've already did my save point so if anything happens, it goes back to the first day of when gaster introduced me to papyrus.

I thought feeling relieved that I had the foresight to do that as soon as possible since who knows what would happen afterwards or when gaster actually falls into the void. I don't know what age I'll be when he falls or if he does fall into the void since everything here is swapped...though in the comics Underswap gaster did fall into the core and into the void and I don't know how that was possible if everything was swapped.

Like if everything is swapped, wouldn't the jobs and monsters swapped with it? That what I would have thought yet somehow he did fall into the core in the comics I saw on YouTube which has me thinking, sure since the original gaster does fall into the core and all, but can they still avoid that happening?

I'll have to start trying to make portals soon when I can and when I'm at least five years old. Do monsters age slower? I have no idea and I'll find out later.

I thought and giggled at the funny faces my brother made at me, oops, I also forget papyrus was there for a sec there. Since you know, I was thinking about something important and all.

I'll also need to train myself along with needing to bring out my magic and weapons that I can use and figure out if I can use anything else to fight with later on...

Mission unlocked-

...huh? Wait what did I just do that unlocked a mission? I thought feeling confused.

Find out what you can use to fight with and use as a weapon.

Accept                     Decline

Rewards: leveling up a bit, a new weapon, some exp, 100 g, a rare book.

Failure: you get nothing.

....what....oh so now I get a mission!? And I'm still a baby! So how should I even do this mission!? Can I accept it anytime or do I have to accept it now!? Flip!

System had heard your complaints, you can accept this mission and finish the missions you accept at any time. There is no time limit for most missions you accept now except high level missions who will only give you up to 10 or 15 years to complete it before it is automatically a failure. Have a nice day.

....what a strange gaming system this is...I thought and stared at it for a few minutes and I fell silent, which papyrus noticed and picked me up, making me blink a few times at him.

"What's up little bro? What's got you thinking so hard?" Papyrus asked with a smile on his face and I automatically smiled at him.

Papyrus tickled me a little bit, making me giggle until he stopped and I reached up.

Papyrus blinked and brought me higher and I carefully grabbed the top of his head and looked around with a curious look and I felt papyrus chuckle.

"Ah your curious about your surroundings then, I see. Let's walk around the house so you can see more." Papyrus said and I was like yes!

I get to see the house! I thought and smiled and papyrus carefully held me in his arms and moved around, showing me around the house as I looked around with a curious look.

I was pretty curious since this is a swap au, and things were swapped around, so I was uncertain if the houses were swapped as well or not.

That would also help me decide if gasters job was swapped as well.

Hmm...so this house was bigger? It has five rooms, a living room, a kitchen, two bathroom, and a basement...there might be more that papyrus hasn't shown me yet..and as I recall, I think there was only really two or maybe three rooms in the original non swapped houses...well from what I could tell anyway in the game undertale...because there might have been a hidden room...but I wasn't too certain on that...

Only reason why I thought there might be a hidden room was because of a fanfiction of where gaster was sans and papyrus older brother but they called him dad after he took them from his parent who abused them for not living up to their expectations like gaster did before he fell into the core and void.

That fanfiction was an interesting one since a human freed him, then something started to happen and the human and gaster like fused and escaped the void place.

The human controlled gasters body since they existed and gaster didn't really existed anymore and all that. Man I would love to re read that story but I forgot the name to it...(that's actually a story but I did forget the name and would love to re read it when I find it again. Though if anyone knows the title part , please tell me 😁)

Which made me sad since I couldn't find it on google after forgetting the name and losing the page...

Sigh...oh well I can't read it anymore now though so might as well ignore that, I thought and continued to look around as we headed back to the room I was in earlier.

I pouted, Aw...I wanted to see what it was like outside too..I could really see much from the window we passed by briefly...maybe when I'm older I can go outside for a bit to see more?

I want to see what this worlds grillby does for a living...

Since you know, swapped au and all...

I let out a yawn, oh...I'm tired...ah man...I don't want to sleep yet but my body just wants to sleep and I can already feel myself falling asleep.

"You tired little bro? Hmm you should sleep..." papyrus started out and I feel asleep before he even finished what he was going to say and papyrus chuckled a bit as he put his brother back into the crib.

Time to get something to eat and make sans his food before his brother wakes up hungry...papyrus thought and headed to the kitchen to start.

Lol I actually finished this early with 1064 words. Hope you all like and comment what you think!

Also give me some ideas that I might use later on.

Ja ne~!


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