Chapter 2

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A.N. - Thanks everyone for the comments! I greatly appreciate them! I know it's been a while for this chapter to come out, so without further ado, I give you chapter 2! (Heh...that rhymed xD)

          “Mrs. Collins, I need to speak with my sister.” He said, in an even tone, trying to catch his breath. Why was he running?

          “Mr. Smith, I’m in the middle of teaching, can this wait until class is over?” She looked at him through her glasses that sat on the bridge of her nose. Her hands on her hips showed she was annoyed by Dean; the class looked on in amusement.

          “It’s an emergency, I’m sorry, but she needs to come with me.” He was desperate; he barely ever let that show on his face.

          “If it was an emergency,” she tapped her foot, and walked to him, so she was standing in front of him, “then there would be a call from the office, saying she has permission from a parent or guardian to come get her.”

          Dean looked down at her, gave a wry smile and simply stated, “I’m a guardian, and I’m giving her permission. Callie, we’re going!” He turned around and hurried toward my desk, while I was still dazed about the whole situation.

          “Why do I have to go?” I whispered so quietly it was practically inaudible.

          “I’ll explain later, just get your things and come on!” There was a catch in his voice, as if he wanted me to hurry up, but also wished I took the longest time in the world. I quickly gathered my books and went for the door. Glancing at Keith, I saw a hint of sympathy in his face. Did he know something? No, of course not, he wouldn’t know anything; he’s not a mind reader.

          We reached the parking lot and hopped inside his sleek black Grand Prix Pontiac. Dean started the engine, which sputtered to life, and jerked the car backward out of the boundaries of the white lines. He pressed the gas pedal and we sped out of the parking lot. I clutched the side of the door, concerned at the speedometer going up and up. I glanced nervously to the side, seeing Dean’s rigid face. His jaw was locked and he blinked his eyes a million times. Looking out the window I saw the familiar houses and other buildings pass by. When I realized which direction we were heading in, and towards a certain building, it felt like an iron fist had clasped around my heart and made it stop. My breath caught in my throat and I closed my eyes. Hoping we wouldn’t go there.

          But we did. Dean parked in an open space and cut the engine. He leaned back, and then slumped forward suddenly, head hitting the steering wheel. His frame shook, and I thought he was laughing, until he lifted his head up and I saw the glistening wet streaks that ran down his face. We sat in silence that felt like eternity, until he turned his head toward me. He opened and closed his mouth a few times, like he wanted to say something, but couldn’t bring himself to say it.

          “Dean,” my voice was strong and firm, surprising myself, “please tell me what’s going on.” I stared at him, holding his gaze until he finally had to look away. He sighed and muttered, “I can’t. I can’t tell you.” He turned away again, and I placed my hand on his.

          “You can tell me anything, you know that.” A faltered smile was plastered on my face and he opened his mouth, finally having sounds come out of it this time.

          “This morning, when I came back from working the night shift, I was on the way to my room. I passed mom and dad’s room and when I looked in…” a funny noise sounded in his throat, and he cleared it away. I encouraged him to carry on, “She was on the floor. Callie, the doctors think it was suicide.” The words came out rushed and quiet. At first I didn’t think I heard him correctly, but as the words sunk in, I realized they were what they were. Dean grasped my hand and suddenly let go. He let out a long breath, opened his door and jumped out. I sat frozen in my seat, unable to move, my whole body paralyzed.

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