Scene 3

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James rushes into the hospital. He reaches the Front Desk.

James: Hi, my name is James Williams, my daughter Kayla Williams was brought in.

Desk Clerk: Can I see some I.D.?

He shows her his I.D.

Desk Clerk: Second floor.

He races to the second floor. He checks the rooms and finds Kayla asleep while his mother is at her bedside.

Evelyn: James, it just happened out of nowhere, she just fainted while she was outside playing at school.

James: Mom, it’s not your fault at all.

The Doctor walks in.

Doctor: Hello, I am Doctor Phillips.

James: James Williams and this is my mother Evelyn.

They shake hands.

Doctor: I have a bit of bad news folks, we ran several tests on Kayla and we found an early sign that a tumor is growing right here in the cerebral area. This will cause swelling of the brain and of course, if it continues, it can kill her, I would say in a couple of weeks, maybe a month in some rare cases.

Evelyn: Oh my god!

Doctor: No need to panic, we can go in and take the tumor out, it’s a very easy procedure, but I must ask if Kayla has insurance?

James: No she doesn’t, her mom and I were so buys, we never thought to get her insurance. How much will the operation be?

Doctor: It can very from $50,000 to $75,000 due to the new rules they place.

James: That’s crazy, well I will come up with the money, just thank you for your time.

Doctor: Thank you, I’m sorry, I wish I could do more but my hands are tied with these new rules, Let me know when you want to start the operation and we can, thank you guys and have a good day.

James: You too.

The Doctor walks out and James goes to Kayla’s bedside.

Evelyn: James, I have $45,000 saved up in my retirement, we can see about getting that money.

James: Mom, that money is yours and the bank would take way too long to approve of it, I’m going to handle this. Can you stay with her while I deal with this?

Evelyn: Of course baby, I love you and Kayla so much, we will come out of this all right.

James: I love you too and don’t we always.

He kisses Kayla’s forehead and leaves.

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