Scene 8

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                             News Center.

Vanessa walks in to hear Harvey’s voice over the intercom.

Vanessa walks over to Pam.

Vanessa: Hey Pam, what is he hollering about today?

Pamela: Hey girl, he’s always yelling, but apparently he’s mad because someone ate the last Krispie Kreme’s donut from this morning.

Pamela wipes the crumbs off her mouth.

Vanessa: You a mess.

Pamela: And you know this.

They laugh. Harvey calls Vanessa into the office.

Harvey: Yeah….Yeah…Give the weed man the money….You better not smoke it all either this time….Love you too abuela.

Vanessa: You wanted to see my sir?

Harvey: What the hell is wrong with you?

Vanessa: Sir?

Harvey: You’re always late; I mean what do I pay you for?

Vanessa: Harvey, I have three children that I hav…

Harvey: Excuses, Excuse, there like herpes, nobody wants them.

Harvey: I’m docking your pay $50, next time it will be $200, and the third time, you’ll be on welfare, now get out of here.

                             Break Room.

Vanessa: That no good….Ugly…..Cracker Jack…..Son of a…..I cannot believe he talked to me like that.

Pamela: Girl, do not sweat it, what we need to do, is call cousin Pookie, you know he just got out.

Vanessa: Girl we are not calling Pookie, besides he’s on house arrest.

Pamela: Damn you’re right, what are we complaining for, the pay is good, there are benefits, and our kids need this.

Vanessa: How did I ever get stuck with you?

Pamela: Well we both came out of the same…

Vanessa: Girl! let’s get to work.

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