The Conman

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*Kelly's P.O.V*

The devil hovered over me, pressing me onto the floor with his knees on either side of my body.

Lying paralyzed, I watched him nip against my neck, watched him rip my blouse apart, watched him go lower and lower down.

'St..stop it...You're a liar...JaeJoong would never love me even if I gave you my virginity...I will not fall for your dumb trickery!', summoning all my courage, I managed to free the voice that strained my throat.

He paused.

'I, Jung Yunho, would always keep my word and I mean what I say. I will come back to claim what is rightfully mine the day he falls in love with you.' The devil's voice boomed with dignity, gazing down at me with those brutally cold eyes that could pierce through my skin and bones anyday.


'Shut up woman. You should be grateful I didn't take your soul or life away from you but asked for your virginity instead!'

I glared at the impish devil, waiting to pounce on him.

'I will pay your loved one a visit tomorrow, so by then, be prepared to give up your viginity, Hwang.Kelly.' Ho cooed in mischief.

Once again, the windows bolted open as my watchful eyes eyed the devil in vigilance.

One last smirk he flashed at me, then with the blink of an eye, I lost him.

My rattling body darted up from the soft familiar covers beneath me in cold perspiration.

Wa...was it a nightmare?

The devil's touches had felt so real...and even now, i could still feel his skin against mine, my neck, my shoulders...

'Good morning Kelly' A muscular pair of arms embraced me from behind, his suggestive voice ringing at my ears.

'WAAAAA!!!!! WATCH OUT WHERE YOU'RE TOUCHING, DEVIL!' I screeched since his arms were encircled around my bust circumference tightly.

'There's nothing to be embarrassed about, woman. After tonight, your virginity is going to be mine..' His deep obscured voice shuffled through my ears, arms gradually slipping down to my waistline and lower hips followed by a series of sinister chuckling.

'Wai....wait a minute there. Look here, look at me, I have a child-face, I'm flat in front and flat behind, so what do you see in me? I haven't got a tinge of feminine attraction or whatsoever...' My plasmolysed body laid in his arms motionless, buckling at his every touch and the new sensations inflicited.

'Apparently, I couldn't care less about such things. I'm not a human, remember? The way I depict beauty is pretty much different from man. My only motive? That is to deprave you, corrupt you, and taint you of your pureness. I want to rob you of your untarnished soul and body... Now go on, go to him, go to kim JaeJoong. Devour your mutual love with him, then I will come for what you promised me.'

Idiot. He disappeared again.

Why does he always have to do this? Appearing and disappearing whenever he wants to.

One fine day, he would catch me naked in the shower, damn it.

That same morning, I kneeled before god's feet, solemn and silent in words, yet with both hands positioned at my chest, loud sincere prayers chanted themselves inside my mind.

I was helpless, confused by the flood of happennings that almost drowned me over a single night.

'Please god, protect my chastity. Please, don't let the devil take me. Please.' I prayed hard before The Christ.

'Eh? You're here again?', The same voice from yesterday echoed through the church halls once more.

It was distinctly JaeJoong's, the voice of the smiling angel.

'Jae...JaeJoong?' My eyes shot open dramatically, backing off from him as much as I could.

'what's wrong with you? Wait up, don't go yet, I have something to tell you now.' JaeJoong reached his fair slender arms out to grasp my shoulders.

Oh my god, please no....Please...don't tell me you love

'Why're you trembling, dongsaeng ah? I am only here to inform you that the school's church will be closed by 8am.' His angelic eyes smiled at me followed by several gentle patting on my back.

Whilst he strode off for his daily duties, there and then, I was suddenly eased of some kind of burden or distress, like the rock which I had been crushed under was lifted off my vulnerable body, the body that would crack at a slight touch of the hand.

Nevertheless, accompanying my sense of relief was this small tinge of disappointment buried deep within the abyss of my heart, the sense of disappointment that i was unwilling to face, unwilling to admit though it had undeniably came to exist.

Mutual love?

What a joke. I knew all along that devil was a big fat quack. I should be laughing my ass off when JaeJoong kissed me on my forehead, why in the hell did I even bear a glimmer of hope, in hope that he would fall in love with me?

He haven't even noticed my existence though we shared a common class. And what did he call me again?

Dongsaeng? I'm his age for goodness sake. Damn my kiddy face, damn my flat bottom, damn my chestless self, damn it.

'This couldn't be...My powers have never failed me before...' Turning around, I was greeted by the devil who now stood 30 metres away from me.

'Go away you quack! You conman, stop lying! I knew it! I knew JaeJoong wouldn't love me...He wouldn't...Nothing in this world, not even magic would make a perfect guy like him fall in love with a girl like me!'

Agitated tears swelled my eyes, rippling down my cheeks like blood. It was then i realized that the slight tinge of disappointment wasn't as slight as i thought it was.

It was massive. It was painful. It was staggering.

The devil was now moving towards me in short, affectedly dainty steps, closing his face up on mine.

He...he was so beautiful...From such a distance, even the battling of his eyelashes was clearly prominent.

I could feel him coming closer and closer, pressing his lips against my wet cheeks then licking off my hot tears in a satisfied sneer.

'Virgins....Even their tears are highly pleasing to the palate.'

'Don't touch me you quack! Stop trying to con me, you are no devil! You're a conman in disguise, now take off your suit and face me with your true form!'

I tugged hard at his horns and ears, pulling hard at them with violent fumes emitting through my ears.

'Take your hands off me, woman. You don't want things to turn ugly for you!' The conman Yunho ahoved me aside, his eyes now glowing red with animosity.

'For godness sake, conman, take that stupid red colored contact lenses off! It's fuggly! And that stupid battery-operated crow! That horribly annoying bird!'

I smacked the black colored bird-toy which stood upon his shoulders, causing its fall to the cold hard floor. Like I was manipulated by the demon in me, I lifted my leg in an eruptive rage, setting it down on the tiny body of that black colored bird-toy.

'Squiiiiiiissssshhhhhed...' I heard an awfully gory mushed up sound, my eyes quickly shifting down to where my feet laid, widening in revulsion at the flattened mess I've just created.

Oh my god, it''s not a toy...and...He's not a conman...

Mighty lord, what have I just done? Am i really in deep trouble?

From the corner of my eyes, I could see the devil's eyes burning hot red,not glowing, but burning.

I could sense the atmosphere around me, getting warmer and warmer, temperatures climbing in an exponential manner.

My fist was clenched and it shivered, my palms were sweating, my knees were weakening, almost buckling.

To put it simply, I was scared.

Scared out of my wits.

Never EVER meddle with Black MagicTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon