satan are you afraid of me??

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*Kelly's P.O.V*

'Take your arms off me, human'

'Alright, alright. Why do you have to be so mean?' I withdrew my arms from around his neck.

'Don't you DARE hug me again, Han Kelly. I promise the next time you do this, I wouldn't be so lenient with you', Yunho's eyes darkened with a dark shadow overcast, just like that of a werewolf, glistening under the luminant moonlight.

'BEH! what's wrong with it anyway?' I shrugged carelessly, rolling my eyes at him in insolence.

'Because the hug is one of the most common human signs of love, affection and emotional warmth. I'm a devil, I'm not a universal promoter of love and friendship, pabo'

'So...what will happen if I hug you again?' I perked up the courage to give a tease, challenging devil Jung's authority as i gleamed silently.

'Well, try me.' an annoyingly mischevious smirk played at his lips, fingers reaching out for my chin, lifting it up and pulling it in to touch his.

My chin was now against his and face just inches away, eyes gazing up at him in a mixture of distressing emotions as well as something else that I couldn't really explain.

I only knew how quick my heart was beating away, feeling his other arm strangling my waist and observing his danger-impending smile flashing right at me.

'Oh you're trying to seduce me into another sin again, aren't you? I'm not going to fall for it this time!' I averted my gaze elsewhere in a panick.

'You're wrong, Kelly ah...I'm just curious....curious how this would feel like....That kim JaeJoong kid seems to have enjoyed it so much...Definitely a pleasurable sin to be commited, am i right? Hmm?' He placed his finger at my lips, stroking it tenderly with his thumb.

'Woah, wait wait i hear footsteps, it's my mom! Quick, hide in the wardrobe! Quick!' I shoved him at his chest, rapid footsteps heading for my wardrobe.

'In here, now! Hurry before mom comes in.' I pointed to my wardrobe solictously, mentally screaming,

'damn it Jung Yunho, if she catches you, you and I are both deadmeat. We might even be sent off to some weird musuem for display!'

'No way.' His thick tidy brows puckered, lying onto my bed with hands behind his ears, totally free of tension and anxiety from the looks of it.

I widened my eyes at his sudden change, eyes now a normal colour, slightly brownish.

He was dressed in a black pyjama, his hair was shorter than his usual length and dyed a warm chestnut brown.

A couple strands of brownish tinged hair now covered his small face, flowing across his eyes, with a few strands of them trapped between his thick eyelashes.

'Oh Yunho, there you are!' My mom burst into the room with a tray of cookies and 2 glasses of milk, a rare smile of liveliness across her haggard face.

'Yes, ajumma. I was just about to sleep but the living room was too cold.' Yunho, for the first time, truly smiled, showing off his set of perfect pearly teeth, his eyes slightly squinting though his brownish pupils were still visible.

'Ohh dearie, you can sleep in Kelly's room for as long as you like. I'm not going to make you sleep on the couch out there for an entire semester, now would I?' Mom's abrupt words struck me with a sudden feeling of astonishment.

'What?! Mom, you actually know him?!' I shot up from the bed, pointing my finger at Yunho's face with brows contracted into folds.

'Kelly ah, are you trying to be funny? That's your cousin Yunho for goodness sake! He's here on a educational tour, and he'll be staying with us for 6 months. Are you out of your mind? I've already told you about it since last month, have you forgotten or what?

Never EVER meddle with Black MagicTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon