T H R E E ;w;

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Skeppy's POV

Looks like Bad's not gonna tell me anything, guess ill have to make a new plan. Skeppy thought of different plans before he came across the idea to get A6d and go to Bad's house for a meetup.'perfect, now I'll have an excuse to go to Bad's house'. I smiled and decided to text A6d about the plan and when we should meet up. it would have to be as soon as possible though, because I wanna know if Bad is ok. I pulled out my phone and called A6d. It rang 4 times before he actually picked up. "hi Skeppy." A6d seid tiredly. "imma get straight to the point, have you been noticing how Bad's been off lately?" Skeppy questioned in a matter of fact tone. You could hear A6d perk up at this as he seid "yea I have, he's just been so distant lately, I was honestly wondering if anyone else noticed." A6d seid worriedly. "so, how about we have a trio meetup at Bad's house." Skeppy suggested. "like as an excuse to check up on Bad, yea i'm totally in!" A6d exclaimed exidedly. "ok i'm gonna text Bad about the meetup." I seid, pulling up my chat with Bad.

Skeppy: hey Bad me and A6d wanted to to a trio meetup at your place.

Badboyhalo<3: why my house?

Skeppy: because you have the biggest house

Badboyhalo<3: ok, when?

Skeppy: im booking my ticket right now

Badboyhalo<3: RIGHT NOW!?!

Skeppy: yup! me and A6d should be there in a couple days.

Badboyhalo<3: Im have to clean the houseeeeeeee

Skeppy closed out of the chat and A6d seid "whelp, I've already booked my ticket!" in an exited tone. "awesome!" I cheered. "well I have tho go pack, i'll text you when I get on my plane tomorrow." A6d seid and hung up. 'I better start packing, my plane leaves tomorrow too' I thought as I got up to start packing. "I really hope Its just him not getting enough sleep, and not something more." I mumbled, as I pulled a suitcase from my closet and put items in it for my trip.

Bad's POV

TWO DAYS, they were coming in just two days!!! Bad jumped out of his chair after him and Skeppy finished texting and immediately rushed to start cleaning my house. As I looked around, I realized just how messy my house was, 'this is gonna take FOREVER to clean!' I thought, trying desperately to get my house clean.

The're going to hate you even more, once they meet you

'no, no, no your lying' Bad seid, still trying to convince himself.

your filthy and worthless, their just wasting their time

Bad had been having a harder time ignoring the voice lately, some part of his mind told him that the voice was right while another seid otherwise. Bad considered the voices words, and looked down at himself, 'god im ugly' I thought, starting to cry. "now im just being a crybaby." I mumbled, wiping my tears and continuing to clean.


Sorry this was a bad chapter, but thank you for reading it anyway. well my scrambled eggs, have a great day/night, wherever you might be in this world

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