S E V E N ;w;

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Bad's POV

As I just stared at my food, unwilling to eat it, I heard Skeppy's voice. "hey Bad, you haven't even touched your food, are you feeling alright." He said in a worried tone. "y-yea, just not hungry, that's all..." I said, putting on a fake smile. "you really should eat something Bad." A6d pitched in looking concerned. "u-um, i'm gonna go dot the d-dishes." I said, just trying to get out of the situation. I quickly got up and collected all the dishes off the table just before Skeppy or A6d could say anything else. 'god i'm so stupid, their gonna question me about that later.' I scolded myself internally, while putting the dishes in the sink.

You don't deserve food anyways.

'I know...' I thought sadly, as I scrubbed the syrup off the plates. Suddenly I heard one, no two people enter the room. I turned around to see A6d and Skeppy behind me with serious faces. 'I wonder what this is about, did I do something wrong.' I thought, slightly panicking. "Bad we need to talk..." Skeppy said and A6d nodded in agreement. They led me to the living room and we sat down on the couch. Skeppy looked at A6d and they nodded to each other, before looking back at me. Skeppy pulled out a razor blade from his back pocket, MY razor blade. My eyes widened as soon as I saw the bloody blade in his hand 'h-how did e find out...?'

Idiot, you can't hide shit.

I didn't even say language, as my panic levels were trough the roof. I felt my breath begin to hitch and it got increasingly harder to breathe. I started hyperventilating and gasping for air as I continued to stair at the blade in Skeppy's hands. "hey Bad breathe for me, kay." Skeppy said, pulling me into a hug and A6d did the same. I tried to talk but the words caught in my throat, as tears started falling down my face. Skeppy comforted me as I sobbed into his shoulder, my sobs slowly growing quieter as I calmed down more. Skeppy pulled out of the hug once I had calmed down for the most part and looked into my eyes. "Now Bad, could you roll up your sleeves for me please?" Skeppy said gently, while A6d silently watched. I nodded not knowing what else to do, and rolled up my right sleeve, showing the arm with no cuts. "the other sleeve Bad." Skeppy said, looking at me with a soft expression. I felt more tears prick my eyes as I rolled up my other sleeve, revealing dozens of angry red marks all across my arm. Skeppy and A6d both had a look of shock and worry when they saw the sheer amount of cuts littering my arm. "B-Bad..." Skeppy said, on the brink of tears. I let out a choked sob as I saw the worried expressions on both Skeppy and A6d's faces. I had no words and I felt so many emotions all at once, It was just so overwhelming...


OMG, I am so sorry for not updating in a while, I had a lot going on because my grandma died last week. anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. thank you all of m scrambled eggs for reading this. Have a great day/night, wherever you might be in this world.

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