A Message Dedicated to Belphie/Sleepy_Boy_Belphie

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!WARNING!: The topic today discusses about Sexual Harassment!

If you do not feel comfortable with this topic then I suggest you do not read it. I hope you have a good day atleast!

To those who are comfortable with this topic or are alright with it. You may proceed: Thank you.


Hello, my lovelies! It's me again, Debs/Debit card!(Yup, those are my nicknames which I used to dislike being called, well I disliked being called Debit card but now, I'm cool with them! :D)

Now, you're probably wondering….

Who's Belphie? And What's this post about? Actually, the question should be of WhyBelphieandhisfollowersaresuchthoughtful,supportiveandkind people- sksjdjdksjsj AHEM, back to the topic.

Well, @Sleepy_Boy_Belphie or more popularly known as Belphie is a guy who was the victim of sexual harassment by the person @KawaiiShippergirl who, 3 days ago had posted a comment on his 'conversation wall' a very innaproppriate and gross name. He's not even Japanese might I add, he's Korean. He said it himself in one of his posts.

Why do some people do this? There are more Asian countries than Japan?!

Japan is one just one of them but there are other countries(and regions) as well like: Indonesia, China, India, Thailand, South Korea, North Korea, Vietnam, Philippines, Singapore, Hong Kong, Myanmar(Burma), Malaysia, Uzbekistan, Iran, Pakistan, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Taiwan, Maldives, Cambodia, Nepal, Qatar, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Iraq, Sri Lanka, Syria, United Arab Emirates, Palestine, Mongolia, Bahrain, Christmas Island(first time I'm hearing of this place), Armenia, Lebanon, Laos, Macao, Yemen, Timor-Leste, Jordan, Oman, Kuwait, Bhutan, Brunei, Kyrgyzstan,Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Coco(Keeling) Islands!

Is it because of the Anime profile…? If so… Yes, I know Anime originates from Japan but everyone of all nationalities can like it, it is not entitled to only the people of that specific country. A person liking Anime doesn't make them Japanese.(There's nothing wrong with being/wanting to be Japanese, I just wanted to say that all countries are great in their own ways)

People can like Japanese culture and not be Japanese because if by that logic….I guess I'm Irish for being a coffee-lover. *Drinks 3rd cup of coffee*

But jokes aside, harassing someone is never okay, no matter what your age is and yesterday I've realized that.

I'll just come out clean here….

I had defended the Kawaii Shipper person on, one of their announcements which is, now deleted…

So, what happened here was… I had heard about this person through a person I supported here on Wattpad and they told that this KawaiiShipper person had been condoning, shipping incest which is very wrong in so many ways and is bad as it is by itself and in one of KawaiiShipper's post which was the deleted one, people were fuming mad at the Kawaii Shipper person and I was so confused and hurt at the same time especially when I saw in the posts below it were people telling to go f off and calling her a 'waste of space' (even though it wasn't directed towards me but it was directed towards her…. I was just being an emotional baggage. I'm sorry…)and I didn't understand why people were so mad and I thought that it was a bit too much for a person who shipped incest but only after, I posted my comment which was a defence to the person was then I understood the full story of why people were so angry.

It was because she had harassed Belphie and called him...a… I'm not saying it, I don't want to make Belphie anymore uncomfortable than he already is regardless if he's reading this or not.

And Belphie had said she had been @ing him a couple times as well, even more harassment.

My defence was that she was a kid but in actuality she was 17 years old is what the people who told me this said.

And even after that, I was still defending the girl by saying that the female brain develops full maturity in around the 20's but after a while I realized that..

Those people who were Defending Belphie had the full right to be angry with this girl and once again Belphie and sexual harassment victims, I'm very sorry that if by defending this girl, I was belittling your situations. I'm so sorry! My emotions got the worst of me.

I realized afterwards that NO ONE, regardless of their age has the right to treat or talk to someone in such a disgusting manner and I'm sorry for not thinking cautiously beforehand and I wish I could go back in time and delete my comment but I can't and the least I could do is own up to my mistakes and apologize instead of creating away.

Thank you Belphie and his two other supporters: @-fiftyshadesofgay and @Nochu_chimcham for forgiving me for my actions. You guys are very kind and forgiving people. I don't understand why you forgave me even though you even told me the reasonings but seriously. Thank you so so much! And I also want to give big thanks to the person @FUCKSNOTFOUND for giving me Belphie's user so, I could go apologize to him. Thank you so so much for all the help you've given me! :)

I was able to message Belphie yesterday successfully since day before yesterday I tried doing that but it kept giving me an 'error' message and I was getting really frustrated but I guess after Belphie following me back I was finally able to talk to him. Thank you so much, Belphie!

Ah right, the thing I wanted to say the most here…

Well, I wanted to ask you guys to go give Belphie and other sexual harassment victims all the love and support because they deserve it, truly as well as comfort and respect.

I'm so happy to see that Belphie has a loving and wonderful army who are willing to go to extreme measures in order to get justice for him. He deserves all of the members in his army and even more.

He and many of the sexual harassment victims are very strong people who were able to go through such troublesome yet traumatizing situations. I respect that a lot.

I should've realized the impact of sexual harassment instead of just saying: 'I hope Belphie gets better soon' after literally defending the KawaiiShipper person-(I'm stupid, I know. I should start using my brain)

Considering, my friends on Instagram were receiving inaproppriate messages from Indian men who were either in a relationship, single or married. *Sigh*(And that too, I'm Indian and seeing fellow Indian people not helping with the stereotype of Indian men is just….disappointing)

As I was talking with Belphie, he even admitted saying that as much as he dislikes her(the girl), that she didn't deserve the death threats sent to her which really tells of what type of person Belphie is.(I don't mean that with any malice, I swear! I need to work on my wording...)

He's a good person at heart who loves his supporters equally and doesn't wish anything bad upon others, no matter what they did to him. The KawaiiShipper person said in their recent post that they're going to delete their account but their account is still there, they just logged off. It's better than nothing and it couldn't have been done without the help and strive of Belphie's Army.

So yes, that's all I had to say. Once again, go give your love and support for Belphie.

Here's his user: @Sleepy_Boy_Belphie

Thank you for reading this post. May you all have a wonderful day/afternoon/evening/night ahead of you!

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