Chapter 4.... Finally, Peace

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Jennifer has made her decision, everyone involved in her parents death will suffer the same fate, including her husband Omar Franco. They will all be exterminated.

Manuel and the Men were hunting the other five men to bring them to the farmhouse.

Meanwhile Jennifer decided to confront Omar before she kills him. "Omar we need to talk, when would you have some time?" --"Sure sweetheart, I will be home tomorrow we can talk about anything you want then,"

Next morning Jenni woke up a bit anxious. She was no longer sure that killing Omar would bring her peace. A feeling new to her, she never doubted herself before. She did what need it to be done without any regrets.

She sent Shanice for a big breakfast for the both of them and once it was served she woke Omar. They sat down at the table and eat. They were very tense.

"Omar do you know how my parents died, I mean the truth about it. Not the newspaper version of the facts?" - "I do Jenni. I wanted to give you peace. After we got married I started my own investigation. Their plane was bombed by F.B.I. special assignment".....He paused for several seconds. "When I started on the force I was an expert on explosive devices for the S.W.A.T. team. F.B.I. approach me with a special assignment. To take down a Mob Boss. That's all I knew. ....... I found out with my investigation that the Mob Boss was your father and your mother. I didn't even knew their names, they got me on a "need to know basics" which meant I didn't know anything. I did as I was ask" ,......He took a deep breath......"I'm sorry I was part of the incident that lead to the death of your parents. I'm sorry"

Jennifer was speechless, she already knew the truth but was not expecting Omar to be honest about it. She didn't say one word. She just listened while her heart felt heavy .

"Jenni are you The Mob Princess and are you going to kill me for my mistake?" ---"Yes and Yes" she answer softly but firm.

After a few seconds of more silence. "I will give you time to say goodbye to your love ones. " ---"Goodbye Jenni. You are my love one. I'm sorry I let you down. I hope this will bring you peace." Tears was falling from his eyes . He loved her so much he was willing to died for her to be happy.

She couldn't stand how conflicted her heart was. That night she drove off and stay at her apartment on Beverly Hills for a couple days, trying to get use to the idea of been without Omar.

Manuel came back to town and he calls her to let her know he got all five men at the farmhouse waiting for more instructions. She tells him that her apartment on Beverly Hills is her new residential place, to stop by for a short meeting.

He stops by that evening with Chinese food for both them to eat. "What's going on Jennifer?" --"he asked. - "he confess what we already knew. And he's willing to died for me to find peace . I have never met anyone like him. It's hurts me so much to think about killing him,"

"I'm going to tell you something you didn't know" Manuel went on to tell her how Antonio Jr. Loved her and her mother so much he asked to be free. Everyone thought it was the reason he died for . But after finding out about Omar and the F.B.I. responsibility for Antonio's death, Manuel got in touch with Antonio Sr. in Italy. Her parents were on their way to Italy for their blessing from Sr. He had allowed Jr. freedom and they were going to pick a new Boss for the U.S.A. her parents were planning to relocate to Italy with her.

"There is always a way out of this, but you have to want it. You have to forgive Omar and leave the Organization for you to find peace and true happiness. That is all your father wanted for you"

"I can leave"......"How can Omar forgive me. I told him I was going to kill him. He knows who I am now" --"why don't you go home and talk to him about options Jenni" Manuel said with a smile and enthusiasm in his voice.

Jennifer went home that night, still not sure what will come out of all of it. She walks in her home very emotional and excited to see Omar again, she goes upstairs and takes a shower and putt on a beautiful summer dress, fix her hair into a bun and put on makeup. She want to look flawless for Omar.

Omar rushed in the house about an hour after . He saw her car outside so he was happy, exited but also nervous, He didn't know if this was his last day .

"Jenni, Jenni, baby are you home?" He screamed as loud as he's lungs will allowed him. --"I'm upstairs" she yelled. rushing out of her room .

They ran into each other in the hallway. They stop, he grabbed her and kiss her. She felt complete and he felt complete . "There's a way out for me. If you forgive me I will leave the Organization and we can start over," ---"Jenni if you can forgive me, I will leave the force and we can start over wherever you want. I want to spend the rest of my life making you happy" Omar replied with tears in his eyes .

"I do" ... each said at the same time.

Jenni calls Manuel and tells him the news . He was so happy for her . Manuel was not only Antonio right hand Men but his best friend . He always look after Jennifer as if she was his own blood .

"Manuel we need to make preparations to go to Italy . I think It's time I meet my grandfather."...."One more thing. And this is not an order it's just a suggestion . Would you like to be The new Boss. "

Manuel was so happy, exited she thought of him. She appreciate it him this much. He didn't hesitate for a second... "Yes, Jenni. " -- " I can't think about anyone else more deserving then you Manuel. Your loyalty has not gone unnoticed,"

And so they did, Omar Franco and Jennifer Acerbi-González went to Italy, bought a vineyard and started their new life.

Manuel became The New Boss and his first decision was to let go of all five men they had held at the farmhouse.

Finally, Peace!!!

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