Chapter 6.... Sectets

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After Jenni and Omar were done with the animals they walked back to the house, holding hands, enjoying themselves and the changes on the land as fall was already making the weather cooler. Just being in Love with each other and loving life.

They eventually reached their home. Julia had made dinner and the house was smelling like heaven on earth. Chicken with fresh garlic, basil, oregano, parsley,  homemade bread,  potatoes, vegetables, pasta in olive oil and red wine and for dessert cheesecake....... Just lovely!
They went upstairs to wash up and sat at kitchen table for a wonderful meal. " Couldn't have been a better dinner, thank you Julia"-Omar said while rubbing his belly.
"Yes indeed Julia, dinner was just amazing"

Jenni was a bit drained from the long walk and the animals besides the fact that she was still sick. Actually she was getting a bit pale, like the blood had rushed off her body.
She got dizzy and almost fall. 

"What's wrong Jenni?" Omar asked, in a very worry some tone.

"I'm a bit dizzy sweetheart, nothing to worry about." Jenni reply, like she was trying to believe her own words.

"I'm bringing you in the  bedroom,
You need to lay down and rest baby. I want no arguments about it. "

"No arguments, I will do as you wish" Jenni said with a soft smile on her lips.

Omar help her into bed and lay next to Jenni holding on to her while playing with her long hair until she felt into a deep sleep. And after a few minutes he was asleep as well.

Next morning was quite, calm as if time was in slow motion.  Omar woke up at his usual time with the rooster alarm looked over the right side of the bed to kiss Jenni and just couldn't take his eyes of her.  He loved her so much, couldn't imagine life without her.  She was sleeping so peacefully, he couldn't wake her up.  He lean forward and kiss her forehead softly so she would not wake up.  Then, he whispered "I love you my Jenni. I will be lost without you.  Please get better" and then he got up and got dress for work, went downstairs and asked Julia to keep him inform of any changes with Jenni.
He eat breakfast and started his full day of work.

Omar worked all morning and took a lunch break at 12:30 .  He stopped by the house to check on Jenny and have lunch with her.
As he was walking in he heard a conversation in the background. It was the Dr and Jenni talking.

"About time we hear from you Dr. I have been worry sick not knowing what's wrong with my wife. What the fuck took you so long?" Omar said in a angry and loud  tone of voice.

"I am sorry Omar and Jenni, I had emergency surgery and have was not  been able to call.  That is why I came in person." " Jenni is ok. Her iron level is a little low but with a couple of iron shots she will be brand new" The Dr replied

"See Love, I told you there's nothing to worry about. I used to have the same problem when I was younger. Thank you Dr for taking the time to come see Us" Jenni said in her sweet voice.

"I will see you Tuesday for your first shot Jenni. Omar you have a good day" The Dr said and then he left.

Omar rushed at Jenni side kissing her lips and hugging her tightly in his muscular arms. They stood there holding each other for a few minutes.  Each consumed with their own thoughts.

Omar was so relived that everything was going to be ok. He was not going to loose the love of his life. The reason his heartbeat and his Soul had  meaning, Jenni. He was finally able to breathe without fear.

Jenni was consumed by guilt. She had been keeping a big secret from her husband and things were getting complicated. She was afraid to disappointed him, but it was too late now. There was no turning back. "What's done is done"

They had lunch together and then Omar went back to work for the rest of the afternoon.

Jenni waited until Omar was gone and then she made a call to check on Manuel.

Manuel had gotten shot in the USA and was in very bad shape.  She managed to used her connections to keep him alive and safe in a safehouse.  She had taken over (temporarily) the Mob Organization again. Although from the distance, but her power was strong enough still that she didn't need to be present in the USA,  at least for the moment.

She didn't know how to tell Omar, but she had no choice. How can she let Manuel died?
Her guilty conscience was making her physically ill. Is why her iron was low and she couldn't get rid of the cold like symptoms. The emergency surgery the Dr was talking about,  was Manuel. Jenni managed to bring him to Italy to protect him. He was in a coma but was stable and that was good news.

Now was time for her to take care of business. To find out who called to hit on Manuel, why? And then make them pay for making the big mistake to hurt family, her family.

She reached Tony and Rico her team. They made arrangements for them to meet up in Italy. The Man wanted to see how Manuel was doing and Jenni wanted to give them instructions on how to proceed. They met up that Tuesday, it was the perfect excuse. She get the iron shot and then go with the Dr and see Manuel. Tony and Rico would get picked up at the airport and then  meet them at the safehouse.

The next day was unbearable for Jenni. Her guilt was killing her Soul. She couldn't tell Omar because she was afraid he would not understand why she was back in the Organization and thought of loosing him was overwhelming.  She did it for Manuel but a part of her a big part actually missed the power. She was happy with Omar in Italy but she desired her old life back deep down.  She often craved the power of The Mob Princes.

Omar was so happy that there was not anything wrong with Jenni he didn't notice she was on the edge.  He was happy with his new life, his wife, his vineyard. Life could not get any better in his eyes.

Tuesday morning arrived. Omar woke up and got ready. Jenni got up and made breakfast for the both of them .  They sat together and enjoyed each other's company. Then each stared their day.  Omar went to the field and Jenni went to the farm and took care of her animals. Around 9:30 a.m. She went took a shower and got dressed for the visit to the Dr and then to see Manuel and have her first one on one meeting with her team. The anticipation was accelerating.  She felt alive, filled with energy, passion, vengeance, anger, power all at once.  She missed all of those feelings and strong emotional state of mind. She was ready to take her place to get her power back. She was ready!

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