Chapter 3

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As if we're in a horror movie, lightning flashes on cue after Gogo's words. I stand frozen trying to conjure up a plan but my mind is empty when it comes to ideas. Just as I was about to ask Gogo for suggestions, I look up and notice that she's walking out of the foyer.

"Hey! Where are you going?" I run to catch up with her. "You were just going to leave me back there?"

She replies without slowing down or turning to look at me.

"You seemed to be having fun daydreaming back there, I figured I would do something productive while visions of sugarplums danced in your head." We continue walking through the darkness. From the feel of it, I think we're heading back to the workroom.

"I wasn't daydreaming. I was being productive as well by coming up with an idea to get us out of here."I reach up and take off my hat, without power its starting to get pretty hot in here. "But I was distracted by you leaving me by myself in the dark.

"Look Tad," she starts. "You're a big boy, I figured you would be able to handle being by yourself in a little dim lighting."

Dim lighting was an understatement, all I see in darkness. The only reason why I know where I'm going is Gogo's sarcastic voice and the constant flashes of lightning.

We get back to the work room and Gogo begins to disappear.

"I'll be working on my bike. Don't distract me and stay out of my way." I grab her arm before she walks away.

"You don't want to stay with me?" A small smile forms on my face as I shove my right hand into my pocket. Gogo hates it when I flirt with her.

She just rolls her eyes, something the sassy girl does often.

"Please Gogo, Im afraid of the dark..." I whip out my famous puppy dog eyes. She shakes her head and turns back towards the large room.

"Tadashi, you're a new type of annoying."

I chuckle at her statement before retreating back to my working area. Tonight should be interesting.

Gogo POV:
I enjoy the quiet of the dim work room, the silence keeps it easy to concentrate.

Out of nowhere a large clap of thunder rolls over head, seemingly shaking the whole building.

Spoke too soon.

I continue perfecting my bike for the convention in 2 weeks. Although I'm already enrolled in SFIT, showing off never hurt anyone... Yeah that's a lie but who cares?

As I'm working on another new, faster wheel, I hear a voice speaking in the distance. Who is Tadashi talking to? I thought we were the only ones here!

I slowly walk toward his small private room. I notice beams of light shooting out of the room from all the way down the hallway. I increase my speed. How did his room get power?

I peek in the door, squinting so my eyes can adjust to the new, bright area. I notice he doesn't have power but a cool lighting system. It looks like about 50 flashlights all around the room. Some suspended in the air by pulley systems, some sat up vertically, some sat horizontally pointing all around the smaller space.

I notice he's not talking to a mysterious newcomer but someone on the phone instead. By the sounds of his conversation, its Hiro.

"No no tell Aunt Cass I'm fine. *pause* Yeah Gogo and I are trapped in here. The storm is getting pretty bad. *pause* Wait, did u feed Moshi? *pause* What? *really long pause* Are you serious? Ok well I love you both. I promise Im fine. *pause* Hiro? Hiro?!" He looks at his phone and then tosses it to the side. "Great, dead battery..."

I walk around the room checking out his lighting system and sketches all around the simply messy space.

"Did you need something ma'am?" I cringe at the nickname. But the smirk keeps me from saying something. He's trying to get to me.

"Yeah, I need a...10mm screw." I make something up.

"Doesn't your bike use electromagnetic suspension? You shouldn't need screws."

"Its not for my bike idiot." I try not to let him realize I was dragged here by curiosity. "Can I have one or not?"

He rolls his chair to the opposite side of the room and reaches into a box of screws. He pulls one of the perfect size out and begins to walk towards me. He stops and stands way to close to me.

"You can have the screw, " he starts. "If you kiss me."

"Ok." I nonchalantly agree. He seems surprised, but doesn't oppose. I lean in until out noses are touching. His hand finds itself to my lower back and his eyes flutter shut. Before his lips touch mine, I blow a big bubble out of my strawberry gum and pop it right in his face.

His eyes shoot open and he quickly moves backwards. While he's in his state of shock I grab the screw out of his hand and exit.

Its my turn to wear the smirk now.

Im pretty sure that Tadashi from the movie wouldn't be this flirty but hey its my story so whatever! Sorry for the wait! Don't forget to vote and keep reading!
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Why am I yelling?!

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