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A young child was preparing for going home helped by his mother and father. The sun had already set, so most people went home already–leaving the sea alone. While he grabbed his little bag, he saw a medium height man walked in the opposite direction from people.

"Mom, is he not going home?" the young child asked his mother. She had kept bragging about people must went home when the night fell to his son but then a stranger ruined the rules she'd made.

"He is a coast guard, son. He makes sure everyone's going home as the sea at night is dangerous, you know?" She made them up, of course. But that young man wore a navy-blue uniform with a cap with the some color, made the child sure that he was indeed a coast guard or someone who worked related to the sea. Satisfied with his mother's answer, he continued walking to the parking lot.

This time everyone had already gone, leaving the sea and the man in uniform alone. He was a fine man in his middle 20s. Despite his relatively young age, his hair was all white–a total contrast with his now-black garment. A name was written on his uniform: Ukyo Saionji.

Ukyo –let's call him that– was holding a piece of paper in his hand while looking to the dark sparkling sea. For some minutes, he stood there until the waves slowly reaching him. His pants and shoes started to get wet, but he still ignored the tide coming. His eyes were empty, his mind was blank. 10 minutes had passed and the water finally drowned his shoes. He regained his consciousness at last, then suddenly squeezed the paper he held into a ball.

Ukyo came to the beach after dawn with a reason–or without? Actually, he just walked aimlessly after his working hours ended. The city was too crowded and noisy for his congested mind, even the coffee shop which kept playing slow classical music. His feet brought him to the beach which was a perfect place to rest. There, he could only hear the sound of waves and see nothing. 

The frosty man sighed. In fact, he wanted to scream so much. However, his natural tendency as a calm guy hold it back. He cried instead–silently, accompanied with the silence of the sea.


Ukyo couldn't cry long. He rubbed his tears then turned back. The tide water finally reached his calf. He walked again to wherever his feet was bringing him. His orbs saw a cliff at the north, so he decided to go there. As he climbed higher, his tiny figure could feel the land breeze blew harder towards the sea. When he arrived at the top, his cap was off, blown by the wind. The young man ran towards the edge, trying to get the cap. But he couldn't–it fell off to the the sea below. In no time, Ukyo couldn't see the cap anymore.

Different from the beach, the wave under the cliff was so much harder, collided with the rock again and again. If only he was there, he would be dead.

"Death will be amazing," Ukyo murmured, staring at the crashing waves.

The tears flowed again. His mind was as blurry as his eyes. His feet walked again, even though he was already at the edge of the cliff. Took only 2 steps and there wasn't really anything to step on.

Ukyo Saionji fell into the darkness.

Sea Fairy (Ryusui x Ukyo)Where stories live. Discover now