Son of an Imbecile

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After the movie was done I went upstairs to check if Levi was awake yet. I knocked on his door a couple of times but he didn't answer.

I opened it a crack and peeked inside.

The lovely purple room was empty. Although, there was a pile of clothes on the floor.

In the shower?

But the water wasn't running.

I shrugged and walked across the hall to Sparrow's room.

I hesitated before knocking.

I really hoped that Levi had gotten everything smoothed out with him. I had to admit, it was quite an embarrassing scene, but I wasn't going to judge. I agreed with him—Levi was hot as fuck, and his personality was attractive too. I might have had a bit of a crush on him. And Sparrow himself...

He was perfect.

So were the rest of the guys here.

It was honestly weird how perfect they all were. 

I went ahead and knocked a couple of times. He opened the door a few moments later and looked at me with a red face and cleared his throat. "Dakota, how can I... help you?"

"I was just wondering if you knew where Levi was," I admitted.

"Oh, he's probably still at the pool. Turns out he has water powers. After he completely wiped me out in a splash war, I came back here to recover, but he said he was still going to swim for a bit. Which apparently means two more hours."

Water powers...

So we had a fire and water bender in our dorm.


"The rest of the boys are going back to the pool at three if you want to go again. The girls of Grade A invited us to go with them," I said.

"I'll think about it. But right now I am in major need of some lunch, so I'm going to make something," he admitted.

He came out of his room and started walking towards the staircase.

I shrugged and followed after.

"So, do you like to cook?" I asked.

"Haha... no. I hate cooking, but whatever."

"Yes!" I cheered mentally. 

"I'll make you something. If you want," I said, nonchalantly. 

Perhaps I could use this to make things less awkward.

He paused his purposeful walk down the stairs and looked at me with a stupid grin. "Really?"

"Sure," I chimed. 

"You are my savior, Dakota. I am going to be completely honest the last time I cooked I nearly burnt the kitchen down. I have no clue what I am doing."

I chuckled and continued on past him down the stairs.

On the lower level, Atlas and Roan sat on the couch playing a game on the tablet. It had a little blue girl and a firey guy jumping through a cave-looking setting.

"Ezra and Josiah are still gone?" I asked.

Atlas nodded and looked at Sparrow. 

"I'm Atlas," the blonde man greeted. 

Oh yeah, this was their first time meeting. 

"Sparrow," he squeaked nervously. His face turned bright red again and he cleared his throat.

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