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"Atlas! Focus or I'm going to replace this pile of bones you've summoned with your own!"

I snapped back into reality and looked at the random bones that had emerged from the ground. I concentrated for a moment until the sorry pile became a less sorry pile of bones.

I sighed. It was hopeless. I was too tired to focus. 

Last night had sucked ass. I missed Roan and felt like the bed was too cold and empty all last night. So, I stayed up and stared at the ceiling the whole time. 

He was gay. 

That was fine. 

But... But he's gay for me. And I'm not gay.

I looked at the said boy now. He gave a silent command to that dark figure of his and it nodded before turning into a spinning ball and striking an adjacent wall leaving a deep grove. He didn't seem impressed by this. Instead, he looked bored and sad. 

He walked over to Levi, and I watched carefully, noticing the way his shirt still stuck to his figure after the workout we just had. I used to wrap my arms around that waist at night...

I'm not gay... Right?

I had a girlfriend in high school. we even kissed once!

Then... Then she broke up with me because I was boring. 

I tried to imagine kissing or wrapping my arms around her now. It felt foreign. 

Am I gay?

I glanced at Roan again and noted his lips. 

Levi said something that made him smile slightly. 

... I'm gay!

But was I only gay for Roan? 

I looked from the smiling boy to Levi. Levi had a beautiful facial structure that was perfect to trace. And his strong neck... 

I looked around the room and spied one of the girls, Ariah. 

I had talked to her a few times, and sometimes she would summon terrifying beasts from the depths of her imagination to spar with my skeletons. I tried to imagine kissing her, or running my hands over her hips, but the image made me frown with distaste.  

My eyes went wide. 

I'm a dense muttonhead!

A cackling laugh broke the air in front of me. 

Gabby was doubled over in laughter. 

I frowned at her, and she looked at me cheekily.

"Atlas, you dumb fuck. I've been watching your expressions this whole time. Priceless!"

I flipped her off.

"How do you only now discover your sexuality? Congrats, you've moved up from unsalted saltine cracker, to a rainbow goldfish!"

"Atlas! Stop flipping off the air, and work on your god damn skeleton!" yelled the sergeant. 

Gabby vanished, and I flicked my wrist at the pile of bones and they moved to become a complete skeleton that strode off to beat up a punching bag. 

The sergeant hmphed and walked off to bully someone else.   

I yawned and made another skeleton. 

I continued this repetitive action, fueled by the new shock of my own sexuality. 

A hand was placed on my shoulder, and I flinched. The hand immediately flew off.

"Sorry, I should've warned you I was here," said Ezra. 

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