Two- Friendship fight

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Bickering. Ray hadn't stopped hearing bickering for the past hour.

"I told you to back off Char! My relationships are none of your concern!" Henry yelled as he attempted to get away from Charlotte, who clearly wouldn't back down.

"Veronika is trying to seduce you! She thinks she can lure you into letting her do whatever she wants! She's a younger version of Gwen!" Charlotte argued.

"Gwen?" Henry was confused.

"Remember! The lady who put Ray under a love spell so she could run around Swellview causing havoc while Ray thought she was pretty?" Henry now remembered.

"Would you guys just shut up?!" Ray was now angry since they hadn't stopped bickering.

"You know what! Just leave me alone Char! I'm not coming back until Char leaves me alone!" Henry took off his watch and put it on the bench besides him, leaving the Man Cave. He went home and packed a duffle bag before switching all notifications off from Charlotte and Ray. He left Jasper's notifications on since Jasper hadn't done anything wrong. Getting out of his house, he had a plan of where he could go. Henry got on a bus and headed straight for New York. He was going to visit Babe.

After a few hours and a lot of songs, Henry got off the bus, finally 5 minutes from the Game Shakers office. Making his way towards the building, he could hear yelling, probably Kenzie having to deal with Double G and Trip. He got closer to the building, noticing another girl dressed up. As he got closer, he noticed that it was Babe hugging Kenzie.

"You look great!" Kenzie smiled. I was starting to panic less, unfortunately hearing Dub try and attack Hudson was not making my nerves better.

"Would you guys shut up and stop attacking each other!" Kenzie yelled, trying not to also panic.

"Should I go and make sure that Dub doesn't murder the boys?" Kenzie was concerned.

" should go do that..." I smiled.

"Oh...Kenzie! One more time?" I was a sucker for compliments.

"You look great." Kenzie smiled again.

"I love you!" I hugged her, feeling all my emotions, excitement, nervousness, panic.

"I love you too!" She hugged me back. I felt like she was more excited than me.

"Dub! Put down the Leprecatcher!" I could hear Kenzie yell as she ran out to the other part of the building. I was confused on how Dub always managed to get his hands on dangerous objects.

I checked my hair and makeup with my phone, before I grabbed my jacket and my purse. I couldn't believe I was going to a family reunion with a boy band member. As I exited the building, I dropped my phone. As I bent down and picked it up, someone spoke.

"Hey...Babe." I heard a male voice behind me.

"I'll be there in a sec..." I grabbed my phone before looking up and turning around to see Henry. He held a jacket and a duffle bag. He wore a grey sweater top and black pants with black runners. I was shocked to see him here. I hadn't seen him since he visited the gang and I, 6 months ago.

"Henry..." I was shocked to see him in front of me.

" look-you look good." He looked me up and down, smiling. This was awkward.

"T-Thanks. Why-Why-What are you doing here?" I was struggling to get my words out.

"I came to see you." He spoke as he smiled again. Unlike his last Valentines Day visit, he was actually here to see me...and I could see it in his eyes.

"C-C-Cool." I was still struggling to speak. He smiled. Without hesitation, I hugged him, feeling great to be in his embrace, like I had so longed for.

"W-Why don't you come inside?" I offered, watching as he entered the office. He put his duffle bag on one of the chairs, sitting down.

I got a text from Blake.

Blake: Are you ready yet?

Me: I'm so sorry. I can't come. An old friend of mine just came into town.

Blake: No worries. Rain check?

Me: Y-Yeah.

I put my phone away, still trying to convince myself that Henry was really in the building, having come all the way from Swellview just to see me.

He's back: Henry Danger/Game ShakersWhere stories live. Discover now