Lola, I’m sweating. I’m really worried about school today. I had nightmares that involved Rosalie boiling me in a pot of hot water, cackling like a witch. I know that I probably sound like a hyper idiot, fretting about nothing, but seriously Lola; you should have seen Rosalie last year when some stupid girl dared to tease her. She was never heard of again. Or rather, she left the school after a deep moment of embarrassment, which I will not be mentioning now.
Well, I’ve got to go to my own doom. And this may even be the last time I ever write in you! Or the next time I write it’ll be from the Caribbean islands or some remote location where nobody can locate me. Bye!
Lola, I’m writing in you again. Sorry for the dramatization in my former entry. But school was completely awful today. Though, I must admit, it was not half as bad as I had imagined! Rosalie and the other Belles laughed when I entered the classroom, and chorused,
“Little Miss. Clarissa,
Sat on a poor sofa,
Eating her wheat germ mush.
Then there came a cheerleader,
Who sat down beside her
And made her ugly face blush.”
(I remember it because she sang it around ten times today. And… because it’s so freaking catchy- which explains why almost everyone knew it by the end of the day!)
Really, Lola, I was practically blushing when I returned to my seat. Margaret said,
“Look! She’s blushing!” and started giggling.
So did all the other Belles.
Dan and his friends looked up when they heard my name and Dan smirked. His friends followed suit and started smirking too (the one thing common between Dan and Rosalie- except that they are both jerks of the first order and the fact that they both hate me- is that they can make people laugh for no reason at all.) It got on my nerves. Why do people always pick on me?
And during our P.E period, we had a game of basketball. Dan and Margaret were the captains. I was picked last, after Dorky Davis.
I thought of proving myself to the others but ended up fumbling with the ball and hitting Samantha on the head with it. This lead to renewed laughter from Dan and Rosalie (which means that within a matter of seconds, the entire class was roaring) and another chorus of ‘Little Miss Clarissa…’
I was so embarrassed I could sink down through the floor. And recess didn’t get any better. I sat all alone, until someone joined me. It was Julie. She said,
“Hey, Clarissa, what’s up?” (Not me, I wanted to say, but I couldn’t risk losing the one person who was nice enough to come and sit beside me. Poor me!)
She also handed me a chocolate cupcake, saying,
“Here, I thought you might want one”.
I just muttered a short and insincere “Thanks” and placed it on my plate.
She then asked me,
Clara's Diary (Completed!)
JugendliteraturPROLOGUE: Hi, I’m Clara. This is my diary. My very secret diary. The story of my life, which has been ruined time and again all thanks to ONE person- DANIEL JACKSON, the biggest pig in the world!!! You may think that my life is especially...