Chapter 11

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                            Hey, Lola, aren’t you really excited about dad coming back? I sure am, and I’ve also got to go shopping with my mom to get some stuff for the sleepover tonight.

               And I really can’t wait for the results of the trigonometry test on Monday. I know I sound pretty weird saying this Lola! I mean, me and math don’t always go too well together do we??

              Since there was no school today, I spent half the day dreaming about the upcoming sleepover. It’s actually my first sleepover since 4th grade- I had one at my friend Emma’s house. We wrecked the entire place and I literally left it in shambles the next morning. She was scolded really badly for it.

            Then, the story got around and that was the end of our friendship, as well as the chances of me ever getting invited to a sleepover again. Which is why I’m also pretty scared about tonight.

            I hope Julie finds my house O.K and all that. She seems to be nice, but seeing as she's the Dan Man's friend... well, let's just say, a friend of Dan's is definitely NO friend of mine. let's hope that little rule changes tonight.

                                             I want everything to be PERFECT!!!

               So I was thinking about what outfit to wear. I know it’s only just a sleepover, but I just want to look refined!  Definitely not the pink ones with bunnies and hearts all over it. Something much more mature. You know, my mom got me this awful pair of pajamas with blue and white bunnies on it.

            She said it would calm me down, but I think I would be a nervous wreck if I was ever seen wearing it! Especially if Dan saw me in it! But hey, forget it! Why would Dan ever see me in my jammies??!

          Oh God! I just remembered that I have this horrible test on geography landforms this Monday! Nobody’s looking forward to it. I mean, what’s the point?

            There’s so much homework this weekend too, but I guess I’ll just have to do it once Julie leaves tomorrow. There’s no point in ruining my marvelous plans by threatening myself with the prospect of homework, is there?

      I’m going to go to the mall to shop for some stuff for the sleepover in some time (after my mom finishes her afternoon dose of yoga, that is. At least she doesn’t torture ME anymore. I guess she just realized that I had quite enough problems on my own!)

    And guess what?? She said it was her treat, and that I could get anything as I wanted, as long as I was sensible. I assured her of this, and she just smiled and agreed, repeating again how happy she was that one of my friends was coming over at last.

         You know something Lola; my mom’s just AWESOME sometimes!!

     Hey Lola, I’m back from the mall now. I had such a wonderful time!!

    We first went to McDonald’s where we ate cheeseburgers washed down with large cups of chocolate milkshake (my favorite!)

     Then, we bought a few packets of popcorn outside and headed off to buy my clothes. After an hour or so of trying on different pajamas (the salesgirl was very amused that I had to try on so many pairs of PAJAMAS. She was like, “Who cares what you sleep in???) I finally decided on a cool black pair with a huge red heart in the middle.

     My mom liked it too, but she told me that she personally preferred the pink ones. Like I’ve said before, my mom has a terrible sense of fashion!

    We also bought loads of foodstuffs- chips, cookies and subs. On our way back, I rented a couple of movies.

         I’m not really a movie buff Lola, but I had heard Dan and Philip discussing some of the hot movies in theaters.

    ‘Life of Pi and ‘Skyfall’ sounded pretty cool, and since they were available, I borrowed them right away!  I walked home with mom after that, licking my chocolate ice cream, which was precariously perched on top of the crumbling cone. It’s been an exhausting day, Lola, but it was fun.

    I told my mom that this should be our mother daughter bonding session, not some stupid yoga centre.

   My mom just smiled and remarked that this was WAY too strenuous; yoga’s much more calm and peaceful.

                                                  And we laughed all the way back!

I REALLY need to start toning my butt and other target areas..but I mean when you look at stars like Nicki Minaj-I mean they get surgical injections for this kind of shit you know? Makes my yoga crap seem kind of pointless. :P 

 So, I really hope Julie enjoys herself Lola, because if she doesn’t, it would mean that I went through all this work for nothing.

   And I really DO like her. I only wish she wasn’t Dan’s friend, ‘cause that kind of puts me off. I mean, how can two friends be so different?

   Dan’s all snobbish and mean and loves hurting people. Especially me, I might mention.

   Whereas Julie’s sweet and kind and couldn’t hurt a fly (Except, of course, by accident!!) How is such a weird friendship even possible???

          Oh! I hear the doorbell ringing! I think it’s Julie. My room looks so nice just now. Everything in its place, neat and tidy. But I know that by tomorrow, it’ll be a mess again. That’s just one of the laws of nature, I guess.

                                                      Anyhow, bye!

              NO NOTE TO SELF

              NO RESOLUTION





                   JUST HAVE FUN!!!

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