Chapter 41: The End.

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1 year later...

Chaeyoung Pov


My hand clenches onto Jungkook's hand tighter as I let out a breathe I didn't even know I was holding.

"We...won" I say softly.

The past year has been court cases and court case against us and Mina. But we won. She may have won a few battles but it's us who won the war.

We leave the court room, jungkook by my side and our friends. No. Our family right there with us.

"Thank you so much" Jungkook hugs Namjoon. "We couldn't have done any of this without you"

"Thank you for trusting me. It's all over now...time for us all to go back and live our lives. Mina will be locked away in prison, no one can hurt you." Namjoon replies

"Let's all head back to our house, I'll cook us dinner" I announce to everyone as the respond with excitement.

"Yes, come over to ours, but not today.  Come over tomorrow " Jungkook says

"What? Why?" I responds

He leans closer towards my ear and whispers "because tonight I want to you all to myself"

I feel my cheeks reddening.

We all head towards our cars.

I sit in the passenger seat as Jungkook makes his way into the drivers seat. I gaze up at him as he puts his seatbelt on. He catches me staring.

"What are you looking at?" He questions with a smirk

"My future." I simply say

He furrows his eyebrows, not understanding what I mean.

I chuckle at his cuteness before replying

"From now on, i want my future to be filled with moments of you and me."

He smiles. Although I catch a hint of weariness glisten from his eyes.

Before I can say anything he pulls me closer to him and lands a kiss on my lips.

"Let's go home" he gently whispers


I can't renter the last time we've arrive home in complete and utter peace. Oh how I've always dreamed on this day.

I open the door as Jungkook follows behind me.

My eyes widen at the scene

"What's all this?!" I exclaim

"I wanted to surprise you" he laughs at my reactions

The hallway is covered in rose petals that follow up the stares

I face him "you set you a scavenger hunt?"

He rolls his eyes "it's a romantic trail"

I smile "well then, I guess I better find out where it leads to"

Following the petals hand and hand, we arrive at the balcony. Fairy lights cover every empty space, lighting up the atmosphere as the sun fades away.

"Do u like it? Super clichè idea but I know how much you love these lights"

I pull him into a hug
"I love it, though not as much as I love you"

We pull back, facing eachother whilst still in each other's arms. I catch Jungkook showing that same look of caution from the car.

"What's wrong?" I ask


"Jungkook come on. It's me. You know you can lie to me"

He lets out a sigh

"I'm happy" he says

"Huh?"  I reply not understanding

"I'm happy. I don't know if it's okay for me to be this happy. To admit that all of this is really over. I'm scared that if it say it, universe will hear and do everything in its power to crush us once again" he confesses

"That's not going to happen" I reassure him

"Okay...fine. Life unpredictable so we don't know. But if there's anything I've learnt through all of this is that we have to live in the moment. Right know we're happy. We've overcome a hurdle. We owe it to ourselves to embrace anything good that comes our way."

I cup his face with my hand.

"Your here. I'm here. We've lost a lot. But we never lost each other."

He pulls me into a tighter hug. Burying his head in my neck.

Life loves to surprise you.

Jungkook turned every dream of mine into reality. Even the ones I hadn't dared to imagine. As he held my hand, he embraced my heart. And taught what it meant to love and be in love. Although the road was long,
I'm glad my final destination was Us.

The End 🤍

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